

Due to the loss of the majority of the world's Cacao trees and thus chocolate production, but not loss of demand for chocolate, there exist a great many artificial chocolate brands. Artichoc is the world's largest producer of artificial chocolate and the most widespread. Artichoc as a company has also expanded to produce other flavors, such as white, dark, extra dark, and Mayan artificial chocolates. The company also owns many artificial coffee companies.


Due to the collapse of the global cacao farming industry, Artichoc's production of artificial chocolates has filled gaps in demand for low priced chocolate. The vast majority of 'chocolate' goods globally actually use artificial chocolate rather than the genuine product.   Among immortal communities, such as The Underground and Omnia communities, the company and product has a deeply mixed reception- The majority of those that remember having access to genuine chocolate often believe that artichoc is disgusting, doesn't taste similar to the genuine article, or poorly produced while others believe it is close enough and the only way to experience the flavor readily.
Item type
Consumable, Food / Drink
Base Price
Raw materials & Components
Unknown and secret blend of tree nuts, water, and artificial flavors


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