The Underground

The Underground is a loose collection of smaller regional organizations led by and made for the Omnia, and closest thing to a central government or system their race has. The Underground has no true leader, although most will answer that Pivon is in charge of it, if anyone at all.   The Underground, due to its splintered nature, is united only through the common goal of protecting Omnia and resisting against those who seek to do them or their loved ones harm.


Different branches or roots of the underground are highly localized and fit to their region, with the culture and structure of one being highly different from the neighboring sector.

Public Agenda

The Underground is a network of many different services made for and by the Omnia due to that protections, laws, and the status of the race being either unknown or hidden from the general public. The Underground itself is not one widespread network, but several smaller groups to meet the goal of helping omnia navigate the world and be able to live relatively normal lives, without revealing their nature if they don't want to. Most often, this is done in direct conflict with the law, but seen as by most who know of it for a good cause.   Most often, the Underground will provide services such as medical, the creation of new/forged identities, and jobs catered to the omnia or those allied with them, such as the families and partners of omnia. Some regional Undergrounds have some sway over local governments, and use this to sway laws and policy in favor of making omnia's lives easier. Over all, their main goal is the acceptance and protection of omnia and their allies, along with combating the negative image created by the dragons framing them as dangerous.   Safe houses and shelters are very common due to the territorial nature of omnia, which provide areas of sanctuary where fighting is forbidden and omnia cannot attack one another. This is common as omnia, especially highly aggressive and territorial ones, may fight to the death over space at times, and the risk of being caught in these battles is high. These are most often utilized by families and those with children or mortal families.


Most Undergrounds have some degree of medical facilities catered to the omnia in the form of local clinics and doctors available for treating injury and disease not found in other races. Much of their research into the biological and medical needs of omnia are kept as closely guarded secrets, only shared to other branches. They do often have medical equipment that is hard to come by for indivuduals, such as blood cloning and production equipment from Vampires, as omnia blood is difficult to produce and they cannot receive it from other races.   Nearly all Underground branches also have a sector dedicated to the legal needs of omnia- forging identification, IDs, education and work history, so members can have their 'cover' lives as realistic as possible and allow them to move and live as other people do, thanks to their incredibly long lifespans making is so most omnia outlive their identities and need to craft new ones lest they come under suspicion for being too long lived. These often have some grain of truth to them, utilizing stolen identities from people who have died or gone missing, or are outright fabricated thanks to ties to the local government.   The Underground of a region also will almost always have some system for omnia to find work, often catered specifically to the abilities and needs of the omnia, along with safe havens specifically for them should conflict and war arise. Most often these jobs are illicit, such as mercenaries, illegal centers for training in forbidden forms of magic, and dealing with the trafficking of goods needed in and out of the Underground. Many also are for body guards of high profile and high risk members, such as children and families in need of protection, or members of the government who seek to aid them.


The Underground was formed in direct response to the propaganda made by the dragons, who largely attempted to undermine the omnia in trying to create their own societies and culture, or outright dismiss them as having never existed to cover up their crimes against them and the humans. Due to this in many areas, particularly those controlled by dragons, the Underground circumvents the law to provide helpful services to the omnia that can't be found elsewhere.   As they are not one singular organization but several regional ones, some Undergrounds are much older than others and may have deep ties to the local politics, governments, and have some sway over them.

Demography and Population

Mostly, the underground is made up of omnia, with very few mortals or dragons outside of that. Almost all non omnia members are those with close ties to them, such as spouses and partners, the children of omnia, or those who serve a great benefit to them, such as some doctors, politicians, and law makers.

Foreign Relations

For the mos part, the Underground is unknown to all but the omnia and those already a part of it. Most often their interactions with other foreign bodies is to other branches of the Underground itself in other areas, for the sake of moving their population to areas safer than their own should conflict arise.


Among the Underground, there is a great pressure to not get mortals involved unless they absolutely must be. They have a high degree of secrecy to outsiders, meant to keep omnia safe, however this can lead to incredible pressure and strain that often directly hinders their goals by making the omnia even more unknown than if they were public.
Illicit, Rebel
Alternative Names
Underground, UG
Power Structure
Semi-autonomous area
Legislative Body
Due to their highly regional structure, most parts of the Underground use many different legal systems made for their own regions. There is no over all legislative body or government to them, other than shared goals and ideals.
Subsidiary Organizations
Official Languages
Controlled Territories


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