Basilisk's Tongue

Basic Information


Basilisk's Tongue is a species of saw grass. It typically grows in dry plains and grasslands in large clusters, up to three feet high. Basilisk's Tongue is considered a nuisance by many, as its individual grass blades are serrated and extremely sharp, capable of cutting and damaging thick clothing and slicing skin. It is also a pest species in many areas due to its habit of killing other plants nearby through chemicals it releases in its roots, which can damage other species until death, allowing it to reduce competition and give itself more space to grow. The plant is inedible to most due to this, as its secretions are extremely bitter and acidic.

Growth Rate & Stages

The grass is slow growing, often taking up to a full year to reach maturity. The species will go dormant during the winter, and is thought that its secretions act as a form of anti-freeze, allowing it to stay alive even in sub-zero conditions. In the springtime, the grass will pollenate en-mass, and quickly go to seed before summer, during which time it will begin to kill off other plants nearby to allow its own seeds to sprout.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Although most races find the plant to be extremely bitter and unpleasant to eat, once its serrations have been removed, many omnia attest to the plant being a decent garnish to many dishes or using it in salads. Some will use its juice as a replacement for citrus juices, such as lemon or lime juice, and many bars in The Underground often use it in cocktails.
Conservation Status
Least Concern
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Red at the base, pale yellow-green through the rest of the plant.
Geographic Distribution


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