Basilisk Salad
The Basilisk's Tongue plant, of which it's juices are used to make the dish, is not commonly eaten due to its extremely bitter and tart flavor. The exception is however, with omnia, as many deem the plant's juices a suitable replacement for lemon, lime, or other citrus juices where they may be uncommon, such as in northern regions. Due to the plant often being considered a pest for its habit of killing other plants as well as doing physical damage to anyone who touches it without proper protection, regions in which it grows often are at a loss as what to do with the plants once they have been removed- Basilisk salads have steadily become much more common even among non-omnia where the plant is invasive.
Item type
Consumable, Food / Drink
Uncommon except for in Omnia communities
Raw materials & Components
Basilisk's Tongue juice (garnish), olives, feta cheese, grilled zucchini, avocado, cilantro, tomato, kale, lettuce, and beets. Often served with tart or citrus dressings