Blood Demon

A hybrid between Demons and Vampires, Blood Demons are a common folk across terra due to their parent races' good relations.

Basic Information


Blood demons are a stable hybrid between Vampires and Demons, with a well blended mix of their features. Most often they possess two leathery wings, smaller than their demonic parents, but still the same in function. Blood demons also have thin, prehensile tails, fangs, and commonly feature small pointed horns on their heads and faces. Typically, horns are larger in male blood demons than females, but as horns are smaller over all in Blood Demons than their Demon parents, this is often not very noticeable.   Blood demons are typically rather lithe, having great difficulty in gaining large amounts of body fat and muscle alike, though not nearly to the same extent as demons. Often, their body types fall inbetween that of demons and vampires, still retaining some traits from both.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Like their vampiric parents, Blood Demons do require high portions of blood in their diet to remain healthy and avoid cases of nutritional illnesses such as MacMiller Scurvy. Like many humanoids, Blood Demons are omnivores and enjoy a wide variety of foods. In particular, Blood Demons are known for utilizing blood in their cuisine quite often and typically combine recipes found in demonic and vampiric culture.

Civilization and Culture

Common Dress Code

Blood Demons do not as strictly follow the dress codes in demons or vampires, though first generation blood demons often will combine elements from dress found in their parents' own. Over all, they will typically wear clothing that suits their own personal needs and tastes, with no clear direct singular aesthetic found in the group other than the necessary addition of slots, holes, and panels to accommodate their wings or tails when necessary.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Like demons, blood demons have a culture centered around finding one's place in the world and the role they are best suited for, to become a part of their own clan's history. Finding a sense of purpose in the greater world around them is at the forefront of their ideals, whether or not that purpose is good or bad. With strong senses of drives and ambition, likely enhanced by vampiric heritage, blood demons wholeheartedly put themselves into their work and passions and are known for wearing their hearts of their sleeves.   Friendships are considered to be extremely valuable and maintaining them honorable, with close ties being held extremely dear. Lost friendships and cut ties are typically mourned for a period of time and cutting off a person from their social lives seen as not only an extreme, but deeply insulting practice only done under extreme circumstances.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Burial rites among Blood Demons follows that of vampiric tradition, with cremation being the most common form of burial. Blood Demons are not held separately from their remains being allowed within the mausoleums of their vampire relatives nor shunned from taking part in the practice, unless at the specific wishes of the individual to be buried. Most often, Blood Demons will have their bodies cremated and a significant portion of their ashes given to their vampiric family for burial, with a small portion held aside for the demonic part of the family. These smaller portions of ashes are kept in small vials, jars, or pendants, often worked into jewelry then gifted to the matriarch of the family for use in the burial traditions found in their demonic family.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
400 to 1200 years
Average Height
5'9 to 6'4
Average Physique
Lithe, though not as much as demons.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Blood Demons host a range of skin and hair colors, from pale to a deep, dark red or dusky grey, and all found in their parent species. Hair is commonly blonde, black, or silver.

This species has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
All parents:


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