
Transmission & Vectors

Daywalkers are born with albinism, caused by a recessive gene inherited from both parents and passed down to the child. It is thought it may be caused by a number of genes interacting with one another, as it does not always appear in the children of known carriers who have children together.


The daywalker a recessive gene affecting melanin in the body and is only found in vampires. When an individual has two pairs of it, it appears as albinism and a resistance to sunlight, unlike other vampires. While much more common than albinism in other races, it is still relatively uncommon. The gene can be carried by hybrids and is thought to be carried by other races as well, however it is not known if it effects them in any way. Despite having at least one vampire parent, Blood Demons do not appear to be able to inherit the trait.


Daywalkers are always displaying the vampiric form of albinism, with paler skin and hair, and typically red, pale blue, or pink eyes. Many also will typically have a pink hue to their pupils. They are resistant to sunlight, and will not suffer the burns or skin cancers that can be deadly to other vampires, resulting in the condition being much more common in the population. Daywalkers may be resistant to the burns and cancers caused by the sun, but they do often suffer a higher skin sensitivity to silver, suffering a much quicker allergic reaction and often more intense.

Hosts & Carriers

Although not confirmed, it is thought that Blood Demons can carry the trait, along with other hybrid children of vampires, but with no effects. It is also a theory that humans may have carried the trait as well, and so it may possibly be carried by other races descended from them, but this is not proven.

Cultural Reception

The reception to daywalkers is mixed, as often other vampires are afflicted by jealousy of their brethren who can safely go out in the daytime and are able to have a wider variety of jobs available to them due to a lack of risk, but also seen as a blessing for those who have it are less likely to be injured or trapped waiting for night time. Other races see much less significance in the condition, treating those with it as much an oddity as someone with interestingly dyed hair or a stylish tattoo.
Affected Species


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