Death's Bloom Tea

A very popular tea served across Terra, primarily during Shia, the God of Death's festival. It has a curious effect on the undead, allowing them to eat, drink, and feel in the same manner they did when alive for a period of time.

Manufacturing process

To brew death's bloom tea, simply add about a teaspoon of the flowers to any black tea, and brew as normal. Allow to steep, and serve with sugar, milk, or cream to taste. Often the tea is served with a fresh Death's Bloom flower floating on the top, sprinkled with sugar.


This tea is widely served during the Death God's festivals and holidays, tied to funerary rites and the mourning process, and in general considered a good way for one to feel more deeply connected to their own mortality.
Item type
Consumable, Food / Drink
Raw materials & Components
Dried or fresh Death's Bloom flowers, black tea, boiling water, sugar (optional), cream or milk (optional).
A kettle or pot and some form of cup are of course, crucial to serving the tea.


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