
Basic Information


Dragonsbane is a large, leafy plant growing between 3 and 6 feet tall. It has broad heart shaped leaves with large veins and pores on the underside. It is typically a yellow green in color with darker green stems and veins, and red tips on the leaves. Dragonsbane will secret a watery sap that coats the underside of the leaves, making the entire plant smell in a way that dragonkin find to be noxious. A multitude of different toxins and chemicals in the sap cause allergic reactions in dragons- loss of control of the airway, sneezing, and coughing. If ingested, the plant can cause total paralysis of the airway, stop breathing, and even kill.   Omnia, as dragonkin, also have a reaction, but lessened. Dragonsbane will cause coughing and sneezing fits, runny noses, and most omnia have the opinion that dragonsbane smells like 'the worst thing in the world'. Dragons and Omnia alike have compared the smell of the plant to a great many of things, such as raw sewage, feces, skunks, vomit, and rotten carcasses. Werewolves also often note the plant has a distinct coppery smell to it, though few other races can discern a distinct smell to it.

Biological Traits

Dragonsbane is named for being a repellent to dragons, due to its toxicity and that dragons and omnia alike find its smell incredibly noxious.

Genetics and Reproduction

Dragonsbane is an easy plant to cultivate, as it reproduces sexually and asexually.   In sexual reproduction, as the plants are hermaphroditic, they can self pollinate through spores to create seed pods. Dragonsbane seeds are carried by rain to lower elevations and as the plant typically grows near rivers, streams, and marshes, can be carried many miles away by the current before being deposited.   In asexual reproduction, the plant can grow new shoots from its roots that later separate from the parent, creating large clusters and patches of it. It can also be grown easily through cuttings, by taking a section that has at least two leaves and planting it in moist soil, it will easily grow new roots without the aid of chemicals.

Ecology and Habitats

This plant species does best in moist soil with a lot of water and is shade and sun tolerant, growing wherever there is plentiful water. It is typically found along rivers, streams, marshes, or frequently rainy areas. Due to introduction it can be found all but tundras, where the cold is too much for it to grow to reproductive stages.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

In some areas, particularly those quite hostile to dragons, the plant is grown to keep them at bay or from entering their territories. It is also a rather popular houseplant due to its interesting appearance and tolerating all but the absolute worst gardeners. Dragonsbane can be found in many gardening shops and sometimes even in grocery stores or flower shops, usually as a filler to bouquets.   It is edible for non-dragonkin with no ill effects.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Many plant species in similar envrionments have a similar look to Dragonsbane, thought to use its natural repellent to keep from being eaten by dragons. More shade dwelling plants will also often grow under it, to the same effect.
Conservation Status
Least Concern
Average Height
3 to 6 feet
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Yellow-green leaves with red tips and darker green veins and stems


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