Nottingham, New York

Nottingham is a large city and several suburbs in the State of New York, near the coast of the Atlantic ocean and along the Nottingham River.


Nottingham is a primarily humanoid-centric city, hosting a steady and substantial population of Mages, Vampires, Angels, Demons, and of course, Blood Demons. This is not to say, however, that Nottingham is lacking in beastial races, however Werewolves, Fairies, and Centari are in less population than humanoids, and Harpies are very few and far between. Dragons are also an uncommon sight, most being deserters of their flights.


Nottingham is considered to be a divine region, that is, it is much more influenced by the gods than it is by the dragons. The city is also a part of New York, following the democratic structure of the state, and subject to all the same laws set by New York's Governor.


Nottingham often is subject to the brutal northeastern winters, and frequently hit by blizzards. As such, several neighborhoods have thick domes to protect against snowfall and freezing winds, and are temperature controlled.


Nottingham is on a river, and has several suburbs stretching across both sides. As such, the city features a large number of suspension bridges for both vehicles and foot traffic. Much of the city is designed around a high degree of foot traffic with wide sidewalks, in many areas as wide as roads, particularly in the downtown area. Several neighborhoods of Nottingham have domes that are temperature controlled and typically are home to more sensitive races, such as Naga.


Nottingham is an older city, with a high degree of preservation for it's oldest buildings, and laws set that they cannot be demolished or heavily altered, with a focus on restoration. The oldest buildings are often built out of brick and stone, and can be up to 2,000 years old. These are often apartments, factories, or historical buildings such as town halls, libraries, and public works buildings. The city also is quite fond of an eco-friendly lifestyle, often preserving the natural environment around it with plenty of massive public parks, living roofs, and hanging gardens adorning the sides of buildings. Solar and wind farms are quite common, with many of the city's domes being constructed out of transparent solar collectors.   Newer areas of the city, and suburbs, are often made out of more modern materials, and in classic suburban styles. Neighborhoods often follow a theme, mostly set by the population living there, and there is a high degree of buildings made in vampiric, mage, and angelic styles.


Set in a temperate forest along the coast, Nottingham enjoys warm weather in the spring and summer, and suffers brutally cold winters. It is relatively low lying, and close to the ocean, which brings the threat of seasonal storms such as hurricanes, although the city is far enough away from the coast and far enough north to not be hit by hurricanes directly, but due to many areas of the city sitting on or across a river dumping into the ocean, can be subject to storm surges.   Much of the natural landscape is preserved, with a focus on the preservation of natural parks that often separate different neighborhoods and suburbs.

Articles under Nottingham, New York


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