
Basic Information


Griffons are a diverse family of animals originating from the spawn of the first god of wind and numerous partners. The majority of griffons are rather even splits of avian and feline anatomy, generally having two wings, four legs, and a bird's face and tail. Most larger species have feline paws, though smaller species often seem to have avian feet. Spurs are quite common in male griffons, as are brighter colorations and patterns for attracting mates.

Genetics and Reproduction

Griffons reproduce by laying eggs, the incubation time varying depending on the species. Eggs are laid in often very large nests built from branches, leaves, shed feathers, and remnants from their prey such as bones, fur, and hides in carnivorous species. Most griffons will lay between 3-8 eggs during the later stages of the mating season, one to two each day and then take turns incubating their young.   Young griffons are generally bald, entirely relying on their parents for warmth. After hatching, one parent will refuse to leave the nest entirely to defend their offspring as griffon hatchlings are seen as prey by many species, especially small to medium dragons and large phoenixes.

Ecology and Habitats

Griffons inhabit a wide range of ecosystems that very greatly depending on the species, however most typically are found in areas devoid of extremely large species of dragons, one of their main predators.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The majority of griffon species are omnivores, feasting on a wide variety of plants, seeds, fruit, and nuts, while also taking advantage of scavenging carcasses from other animals' kills. Some large species of griffon are entirely carnivorous, specializing in in feeding on birds, small dragons, phoenixes, and occasionally known to attack people. Most carnivorous griffons are of the larger species, only growing so large due to being apex predators in their environment.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Nearly all species of griffon have avian faces with powerful beaks.
Genetic Descendants
Scientific Name
Griffon griffon
30-140 years, depending on species
Geographic Distribution


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