Magic Resistance


Magic resistance is a basic form of magic that will override other effects and block them.

Side/Secondary Effects

Resistance magic has a side effect of the higher level it is, the weaker the user's ability to use magic themselves becomes. Individuals such as Chiiri Hanley, an omnia almost invulnerable to magic as any person can be, cannot use any other forms of magic himself. Higher magic resistance also lessens the effects of spells that cannot be blocked, reducing their harmful effects, making them last for less time, and have less of an over all impact.


It is next to impossible to detect, and often only known through cause and effect. Magic resistance blocks all spells cast directly at the user that are an equal or lower level than it, but higher level forms of magic may still have some, if lessened effects. Every race has some form of natural magic resistance, with it being higher or lower depending on one's heritage. Individuals' magic resistance can vary, and be much higher or lower than their demographic's average.


This spell is always active, and is considered a passive magic- it cannot be directly controlled by the user even if they are aware of it.
Effect Duration


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