Nottingham Trolley System

The NTS is a system of public trollies throughout the city of Nottingham. Although slower than other public transportation such as buses and the subway, the trollies are always operating, no matter the weather, time, or circumstances.   Nottingham's trollies are fully automatic, stopping frequently for 5 minutes at a time in designated areas in a staggered formation so that passengers can get on a trolley that is about to leave if it is not their stop and they don't want to wait. Despite being fully automated and not requiring manual operation, each trolley is staffed by one operator in case of mechanical issue, emergency on board, or other circumstance that needs manual intervention. These operators also inspect the trollies and their power lines throughout their route for damage, wear and tear, and areas that may need improvement or maintenance.

Power Generation

The NTS uses power throughout the city, through direct lines feeding the trolleys. Generally, this energy is sourced from the many offshore wind farms and hydroelectric plants Nottingham has access to.
Current location
Related Myths
Complement / Crew
Cargo & Passenger Capacity


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