
Reformation is the process in which sentient dragons and Omnia are able to survive the death of their physical bodies as long as their Essence remains intact.  



Vessel Death

The first step in the process is that an omnia or dragon's physical form must be destroyed and die, critically, without destroying their essence. The death of their physical form can be through any means, though grievous injuries are the most common. The longer it takes for their physical form or vessel to expire, the longer the process of their essence escaping it takes. The essence will of its own will, move out of range of their old vessel's aura of its own volition, and it is widely thought that the person in question does not have control over this.  


The next phase is called hibernation, 'the deep sleep', or the 'great rest' by dragons, and has many names by omnia. The essence will sit mostly dormant, however unlike the essences of mortals, will begin to absorb latent magic from the environment and from other's spell usage nearby. This process can last anywhere from a few days to centuries, and perhaps even longer, depending on how much magic is in the area. During this time, the dragon or omnia is incredibly vulnerable, and will be killed permanently if their essence is destroyed.  


Once the essence has enough magic stored as fuel to reform the body, or in some way been pressured to reform early using itself as fuel, the vessel will begin to reform. Much of the process is not visible to the naked eye, instead the magic absorbed forming into the shape of the vessel. When it reaches a critical point, an unknown process triggers it to completely form the body at once. This process can be interrupted, and if it is, can cause extreme deformities in the reforming omnia or dragon, which have the potential to be lethal to the vessel and start the reformation process all over again. In dragons, the reformed body is always in the form they were in when they reached full adulthood, and appears to reverse some effects of aging. In Omnia, the new vessel depends on the person's circumstances- Those born omnia will reform their bodies similarly to dragons, generally having a vessel in young adulthood (should they have reached it already), but transformed omnia, who were at one point completely mortal, their vessel will reform to the point their body was shortly after their transformation.  

Myths and Misconceptions

Most of the intricate details of how immortals such as dragons and omnia reform their physical bodies is unknown. In the case of omnia in particular, there is a substantial lack of research into the effects of it, how it differs from reformation in dragons, and any side effects. As such, there exist many myths, rumors, and misconceptions about the process.   Myth: Reformation can be artificially sped up, by feeding the essence magic deliberately.

Truth: There is no evidence to support this that can be corroborated, and few instances of testing it were not done in laboratory conditions or with controls. Of the few tests, none show any evidence of the process being faster.

Myth: Omnia in the hibernation stage are completely unaware of their environment

Truth: Some omnia claim that they do have some awareness of their surroundings, but in an incredibly limited capacity. Most claim that their awareness is akin to overhearing conversations in another room while half asleep. More data is needed.

Myth: Omnia will always seek out those in essence form and reforming their vessels to kill them.

Truth: This practice almost exclusively happened during the War of Black Ash era, and only among omnia at war with one another. The practice is almost non-existent in modern times based on The Underground's collective records, having an even lower rate than other violence, though more data is needed on the historical statistical data.

  Myth: There are designated areas for omnia to reform safely

Truth: There is no system or regulated area for this. Omnia reforming most often do so not far from where their vessel was killed. Many omnia seek to change this, and create shelters where omnia can safely reform, however.

  Myth: Omnia are more aggressive after having just reformed

Truth: While omnia are more likely to cause harm to others, it is not out of aggression or anger, but out of fear, when they have freshly reformed. This is due to that the overwhelming majority of omnia reform as a result of their vessel's death in accidents or acts of violence, and often believe they are still in danger when they are whole again. Almost all incidents following reformations are acts of perceived self-defense, not to act out aggression. Confusion and anxiety are also huge factors.


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