Rise of the Dragons

The Conflict


For the most part, large cities were first targeted by the dragons, due to their largely civilian populations, lack of defenses, and the sounds of human machinery. Once most large cities had been devastated, smaller ones and large towns were targeted until most humans lived in small bands of around 100 people.


Most who survived the initial rise of the dragons perhaps were the unlucky ones- humans were seen as nothing more than a pest by most dragons and extermination was the prime motivation of many flights. Humans at best were treated as collateral damage, and slaves at the worst. Human settlements were purposefully destroyed to force them to leave their land and suffer on trying to survive on their own, so that people would be more inclined to surrender.   Of those that did surrender, conditions were often just as vile, with humans being treated as expendable soldiers, livestock, or lab rats for the effects of magic.

The Engagement

The first engagements between humans and dragons was largely a bloodbath, with the humans having no defenses against them. Tens of thousands were killed, with the panic and confusion resulting in a delayed reaction, costing even more lives.   In the following years, humans experimented with methods to fight back against dragons, and many independently created safe havens underground where large dragons could not reach. Due to the disdain humans grew to have to dragons, there was often mistreatment to small or young dragons found, often killing them purposefully, although it is without a doubt humans received much worse at their hands over the decades.


Many large human cities were destroyed and their populace killed. Much of human history and technology was banned to prevent an uprising, and lost to time.


Humans, as a result of the war, were enslaved, abused, and driven from their homes by the dragons for centuries to come. The dragons in many flights adopted a mentality that because no human individually was able to overthrow them, that their rule over them was justified.   The rise of the dragons also began to set into motion the climate changes that started and contributed to the The War of Black Ash.   Omnia were created en mass from the humans held captive by the dragons, and animals in similar situations are thought to have given rise to the first of the gods.   Due to the excess of powerful magic used, many areas were uninhabitable for decades, with people and animals alike being mutated and killed by the force of it.

Historical Significance


The rise of the dragons changed the world forever. Up until the rise, dragons were thought to be nothing but a myth. The climate of the world, both ecologically and politically, was forever changed, and the power struggle between mortal, god, and dragon first began during this era.

Technological Advancement

Humans developed an array of tools and weapons to combat against dragons during this period.   The most famous is the 'dragon shield', a large shield slightly larger than its user and curved to wick flames away from the body. They are almost always fire proof, and often are decorated with large eyes on the front to startle dragons- although large ones may see the symbol as a challenge, rather than a threat. Evidently, they worked well, as the dragon shield has been found numerous times in many different eras following the rise of the dragons, and in many different regions not thought to have communication at this time.
Conflict Type
Military Campaign
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Conflict Result
Dragon Victory




7 billion
Several hundred thousand




Destruction, obliteration, and capture of as many human settlements as possible.


  • The World


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