Sacramento University of Constructed Magic Applications

Purpose / Function

The Sacramento University of Constructed Magic Applications, or as its often called by its students, 'SUCMA', is a trade school specializing in researching, developing, and applying new forms of magic for the modern world. The school is highly sought after for its teachings in new methodologies of utilizing magic and its great strides in understanding the fields around forms often considered dangerous or hard to control with the goal of making magic more accessible and safer for the everyday person.   A large focus of the educational programs, unlike other universities focusing on magic applications, focuses on constructed magic, forms and schools that were directly invented or created from other forms. The Sacramento University is one school at the forefront of developing usages for these often extremely new and not well understood forms of magic, focusing on utilization over novelty or entertainment usage.


An ever developing and expanding complex, the university started as a loose collection of education facilities, including but not limited to lecture halls, research labs, and classrooms. Due to the massive popularity of the field and its real world applications, it has grown extensively, connecting many of the older structures together for ease of use by students and faculty alike.   Some wings in particular have seen more renovations than others. As one of few locations where Lightning Mana usage is allowed, although purely for research, there have been a historic number of fires an explosions on the premises, requiring extensive repair and renovation in the labs and halls where these accidents have occurred. One such result of the reputation for the school semi-frequently being on fire was the addition of an extensive fire suppressant system in all rooms and, most famously, the university's lawn.
Founding Date
Alternative Names
SU of Magic, SUCMA (informal nickname)
University / Educational complex
Parent Location


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