Scrap and Potato Stew

Manufacturing process

A dense broth is created from leftover bones, tissues, and scrap meat, roasted over a low fire or stovetop for at least one day. In the morning, strain the broth of remaining bones and connective tissues, saving the best cuts of meat left over. While straining the already cooked meat, fry liver, heart, bacon and aromatics in a new stew pot to form a fond, and roughly chop once cooked. Add in the rest of the meat to the pot, and through a cheesecloth or towel, pour in the broth. Allow to cook until tender. In the first pan without washing it, cook peeled potatoes and tubers until very tender, and mash with cream, salt, and butter or lard. Use the mash to thicken the stew as desired, and add in vegetables and other spices.


Originally a draconic dish, Scrap and Potato Stew has become fairly common in the northern regions. It has been adapted as a general fall or wintertime delicacy even in regions dominated by the pantheon. The stew is commonplace at The Polecat's Temple and their festivals.
Item type
Consumable, Food / Drink
Base Price
Raw materials & Components
Leftover bone-in meat, liver, and heart (of any species), bacon, spices, aromatic herbs and vegetables, potatoes, cream, and butter or lard.


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