The Polecat's Temple

Purpose / Function

The temple primarily serves as the main location for worship of the god of polecats, Ludovic. It is where all of his offerings are delivered from shrines and altars all around the world to be sorted, cleansed if necessary, and used as the young god sees fit. Often, offerings are dolled out to his priests and most devout followers, particularly those that live in the temple itself, as means of surviving the brutal winters.   Ludovic's temple also serves the purpose of being a shelter for his priests and most devout, as travel to and from the temple is often extremely difficult with a high risk of being exposed to the elements. It has many communal living spaces both within the temple itself and in underground burrows, stocked with the warmest of wool and fur blankets, soft beds, and places to store one's belongings.     During holidays associated with the polecat, such as the Dance of Blood and Dead of Winter Feast, the temple serves as his main celebration ground.


Primarily it is made of wood and stone, with little in ways of metal, and constantly repaired from the long, brutal Scottish winters. The temple is quite large and decorated with many decorative trims and beams on most walls and roof sections, which these themselves are also decorated, covered in carvings of the local wildlife. The area outside of the temple features wooden and stone paths, frozen into the ground leading to other associated buildings. Gardens surround many of these buildings, with the largest being around a natural freshwater spring directly in front of the temple, situated in the middle of its main pathway.   Rooms inside are quite large and have stone floors, covered with fur and woven rugs. The largest rooms, such as the feasting hall and Altar of Maol-Domhnuich have large fire pits in the center to heat them, and in the feasting hall, a cooking spit is often seen over the fire. Much of the temple is lit with candles and torches, often crafted by the priests themselves and carved with Divine Runic sigils.
Alternative Names
Ludovic's Temple
Temple / Religious complex
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Characters in Location
Related Tradition (Primary)
Related Traditions

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