Sol Novus

A theoretical spell, in much the same vein as Extinction in that is only known through stories and theories.


In theory, Sol Novus is an extremely powerful combination of light and fire magic taking advantage of their volatile states when combined. An intense blast of heat is created using fire magic at the same time as vast amounts of light magic being released, and objects or creatures caught within the flames act as fuel for the further generation of light magic. The light magic, feeding on the fire, will expand, pushing the fire further in a feedback loop, causing the spell to continue forward at an exponential rate. Heat and force generated by the light magic is thought to continuously exert pressure on the fire magic, that due to convection, attempts to spin on itself and collapse.


Sol Novus, named for how small scale tests resemble supernovas, has never actually been proven to exist or be actually possible. In theory, with a large enough initial reserve of magic dumped into the spell by the caster or machinery, it seems as though it may have the described effect. No test of the theory has actually determined it to be possible however, as all tests have used extremely small reserves of magic in highly controlled conditions that have always been smothered and extinguished within 5 minutes.
Related School
Solar and Fire or Light and Fire
Effect Duration
Theoretically exponential
Theoretically exponential
Applied Restriction
Although no successful attempts have been made and it is entirely a theoretical spell, Sol Novus has been banned under extreme restriction by the Pantheon and most Flights.


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