Sun Chasers


Sun chasers are a vampire subculture that often go against traditional social and cultural norms within their race. Most Daywalkers, though not all, are sun chasers, but the majority of sun chasers are not daywalkers. The sun chaser name originated as a derogatory term among vampires for those among them that were active during the daylight hours, risking injury and higher chances of skin cancers caused by burns, though was rather quickly adopted by the group as their chosen name, and has since become essentially a brand and the name for the entire subculture as well as their typical style of dress.   Sun chasers are known to wear clothing not typically associated with traditional vampires, being much simpler, less heavily patterned, and with far less adherence to traditional colors. In traditional vampiric circles, golds, silvers, and greys are reserved for those in the upper class, such as celebrities and the ultra-rich, however, sun chasers directly go against this social norm, and are often known to wear real silver itself, although with protective backings to prevent contact with the skin and allergic reactions. Sun chaser clothing is often adorned with images of the sun, stars, or clouds, and often in much lighter colors than is traditionally seen. Vampires within the subculture are also known to adopt the clothing and hairstyles of other races much more frequently, and are more open to worshipping gods not typically seen in vampiric pantheons.   Other races typically view the sun chaser subculture and lifestyle as akin to punk movements, while more traditionally vampires often brush the group off as 'rebellious kids' that will one day "get bored of causing trouble" and settle down into more traditional society, despite that most sun chasers are adults and often pushed further into the fashion and cultural group by pushback from more traditional folks.
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