

Terra is a fairly stable planet in its climate in the current day, though was not always the case. Though much regional variation exists depending on localized weather phenomena, it has been on a steady trend back into glacial maximum for the past several thousand years, starting with The War of Black Ash. This event was caused by the warring of the major gods as they vied for power amongst themselves. Continents were moved by Lapi, The God of Earth and Fire God Vega at will, causing extreme volcanism in many regions and shifted weather patterns, which were further changed by Nagi, God of Water and Ryou, the God of Wind. The disaster was not helped by ongoing wars between mortals and dragons; emissions from war, magic use, and widespread and uncontrolled volcanism are widely believed to have caused such vast quantities of smog that the sun was nearly, or in some historical reports, completely, blocked for many months at a time.   With the end of the War of the Majors, as well as the creation of the Minor Gods to protect the species not yet extinct from the climate freefall, the pantheon set into motion efforts to stabilize the world. Although the ice age could not be reversed and the damage was already done to the planet's climate, the gods could stabilize weather patterns, cease many of the eruptions, and slow the wildly drifting continents. Vega took direct control over many of the world's volcanoes, allowing them only to erupt at his will. Lapi reorganized the continents and their plates' movements, Nagi changed ocean currents, and Ryou stabilized the gulf and jet streams in order to keep weather stable across the globe, as the threat of all life ceasing was startlingly a real possibility with the damage done.   Extreme northern and southern portions of the world are extremely cold and dry, most often falling into glacial and tundra environments. Little life exists here, with conditions so cold and perilous that little can be found but ice and snow. Glaciers grip the northern continents in their grasp, carving massive valleys into the crust with their spread and seasonal melts. Though tropical regions still exist, they have been drastically changed since the time of humans- tropical regions are much more dry, sparse, and solely found around the equator. Much more of the world has become scrubland and grassland, with rain much more infrequent due to the amount of water locked up in glaciers and permafrost.
Alternative Name(s)
Terranus, Earth


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