Zombie Fungus

Written by Douglysium

The ophiocordyceps mortuus, more commonly known as the “zombie fungus,” refers to specific strains of cordyceps species. These fungi are notable because they do not just affect small insects, such as moths and ants, but a wide variety of larger creatures(such as certain dogs, rats, and even cattle and apes). The fungi has a strong connection to death magic and when something is infected, upon its death, the fungus will rapidly sprout and resurrect the body while it is fresh and restart / maintain certain biological processes. Puppeting the corpse as a mindless soulless husk so that it may spread its spores. Some strains are known to be more aggressive and will attempt spread their spores by biting everything in sight or keeping their body alive for longer by subsisting on almost any flesh they can find. Other strains merely wander or guide the body to an ideal location so that its spores can spread in an ideal environment. It is possible to control this fungi, and by extension corpses infected with them, with the proper application of death and / or life magic, making them valuable to certain practicers of death / life magic. Corpses being controlled by these cordyceps are known as zombies, which are not to be mistaken for Shia’s undead(zombies themselves do not qualify as any sort of undead). The process of being turned into a zombie is known as zombification.   It should be noted that this fungus does not turn someone into an undead, but simply keeps the body alive or restarts certain biological processes as it takes control of bodies and puppets corpses. The fungus also only takes full control of the body after the infected has died. Due to this most zombies are rendered mindless husks, but there have been reports of mutated cordyceps sprouting too early and somehow maintaining the infected’s memories. But these are so rare that most consider them to be rumors.   The fungus was created by a god and the myth goes that a god attempted to bring their favorite dead pet back to life. In the process they ended up angering Shia who brought back the pet’s body but not its mind or soul. Leaving only a mindless shambling fungus ridden corpse, or so it is said.   There has yet to be a cordycep that infects any sentient mortal species.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The fungus seems to rely on some sort of sensation that can be likened to smell. However, most of its sensory abilities depend on the body it has infected.
Scientific Name
Ophiocordyceps mortuus
Conservation Status
Least concern

Articles under Zombie Fungus


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