Calder Neyra Character in Rebia | World Anvil
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Calder Neyra

Neyra forged the irons, built the walls and plowed the fields themselves it is said, uniting leaders of the shattered Caldraria lands.
— Gallivanter
  Like a blacksmith at his anvil, the first Calder King hammered together the disparate provinces into a single, united kingdom. He forged alliances with the local rulers, promising them power and prestige in exchange for their loyalty. He also used his charisma and diplomacy to win over the hearts and minds of the people, convincing them that a united kingdom would be stronger and more prosperous than any of its individual parts. Once the provinces were united, the leader turned his attention to the neighbouring kingdoms that threatened his new creation. He led his armies into battle, time and again, defeating his enemies and expanding the borders of his kingdom. His victories were celebrated by the people, and his reputation as a great warrior grew. With the kingdom secure, the leader turned to the task of establishing a just and equitable system of laws. He drew on the wisdom of the elders and the traditions of the people to create a code of laws that would be fair to all. He also established a system of courts to enforce the laws and resolve disputes.
by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom

Place of Death
Open grey eyes with a determined look
Stark white with ashen streaks
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Alabaster white

Cover image: by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom