Historical Figures in Rebia | World Anvil
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Historical Figures

Noteworthy people in history

Nation leaders

First holders

by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom
Name: Calder Neyra
Title: Calder
Association: Kingdom of Caldraria
by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom
Name: Helmer Shinål Terson
Title: King in Black
Association: Kingdom of Björnhöjd
by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom
Name: Jdùnza
Title: The Emperor
Association: Givziean Empire
by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom
Name: Marqas TaTemahu
Title: Father President
Association: Bes Democracy
by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom
Name: Sacha Delolenn
Title: Legate Chosen
Association: Shalehal Theocracy, The Prime Faith
by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom
Name: Sebbi Qabal
Title: Senator
Association: Protectorate of Sadres
by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom
Name: Sir Ervenn Mille Vartarann
Title: Duke
Association: Duchy of Abar
by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom
Name: Sora the beauty
Title: Grass Queen
Association: Kingdom of Nar
by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom
Name: The Traůni̊s Seschenal
Title: Seschenal
Association: Tolderan Theocracy

Current holders

by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom
Name: Nadezjda Kozlov
Title: Calder Queen
Association: Kingdom of Caldraria
by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom
Name: Marika Tortehal
Title: Torchbearer
Association: Hauls Theocracy, Kindle of Grey
by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom
Name: Hemdal Rugmund
Title: King in Black
Association: Kingdom of Björnhöjd
by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom
Name: Jdùnza
Title: The Emperor
Association: Givziean Empire
by Public domain
Name: Inaya Farhat
Title: Mother President
Association: Bes Democracy
by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom
Name: Lehelle Nodaloh
Title: Legate Chosen
Association: Shalehal Theocracy, The Prime Faith
by Public domain
Name: Omand Tabar
Title: Senator
Association: Protectorate of Sadres
by Public domain
Name: Tilly Gor Mont-Canisi Tourlaville
Title: Duchess
Association: Duchy of Abar
by Public domain
Name: Ess Moma
Title: Grass King
Association: Kingdom of Nar
by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom
Name: Feifdir Tisuur
Title: Seschenal
Association: Tolderan Theocracy


Name: Droullin Yu-Pha
Based in: Protectorate of Sadres
Notable work: Impressionistic landscapes in unusual colors
Name: Fairfax
Based in: Hauls Theocracy
Notable work: Oil portraits of noteworthy figures, both historical and contemporary
Name: Cairon
Buried in: Kingdom of Björnhöjd
Notable work: Epic and heroic depictions of mythology and history

Political thinkers

Name: Emir Nesdin
Buried in: Bes Democracy
Field of study: The place of democracy in trade and peace
Name: Couer Peche
Based in: Kingdom of Nar
Field of study: Nobility and class relations
Name: Martel Vassilis
Based in: Shalehal Theocracy
Field of study: Faith and government


Name: Peccoth Pejere
Based in: Givziean Empire
Field of work: Maritime travel
Name: Bimouug
Based in: Tolderan Theocracy
Field of work: Communication
Name: Quièvremont Achard
Based in: Duchy of Abar
Field of work: Storage


Name: Yeija Malvallet
Based in:Kingdom of Nar
Notable work: Sculpted figures in stone
Name: Mortagne Roger
Based in: Bes Democracy
Notable work: Metal molding, abstract
Name: Poignant Caradas
Based in: Shalehal Theocracy
Notable work: Arrangements and sculptures in perishable materials


Name: Weitor Piquiri
Based in: Duchy of Abar
Field of expertise: Calculations for arcane arts and alchemy
Name: Aliki
Based in:Protectorate of Sadres
Field of expertise: Algebra for trade
Name: Raimbeaucourt
Buried in: Tolderan Theocracy
Field of expertise: Calculations used for mapmaking


Name: Arant
Based in: Bes Democracy
Famous quote: "When none challenge your ideas it is especially important to closely evaluate them."
Name: Agapios Daca
Based in: Hauls Theocracy
Famous quote: "Your roots are like that of a tree, without it you're weak and easy to push over."
Name: Beringar Murdac
Based in: Givziean Empire
Famous quote: "Desire is the seed from which all achievements are harvested."


Name: Guildersleeve
Based in: Kingdom of Caldraria
Famous work: Modern fictional tales in a variety of styles
Name: Blosbeville
Buried in: Kingdom of Nar
Known work: Tragedies and comedies based on historical happenings
Name: Yysy Cruel
Buried in: Kingdom of Björnhöjd
Known work: Musicals and artistic renditions of myths and legends


Collection of poetry
Name: Faintree Tolitis
Based in: Bes Democracy
Known work: Witty limericks
Name: Holland
Based in: Shalehal Theocracy
Known work: Love and romance prose
Name: Folet
Buried in: Hauls Theocracy
Known work: Elegys and odes about complex and often dark themes


Collection of songs
Name: Rinouura Twice
Based in: Kingdom of Nar
Instrument: Flutes
Name: Pancevolt
Based in: Tolderan Theocracy
Instrument: Harps and Viola
Name: Ebica
Buried in: Protectorate of Sadres
Instrument: Keyed instruments


Name: Dame Fougeres
Buried in: Duchy of Abar
Known for: Piano arrangements for the opera
Name: Liv Pipin
Based in: Kingdom of Caldraria
Known for: Cello and violin arrangements for events
Name: Jon Durandal
Buried in: Shalehal Theocracy
Known for: Dramatic and long arrangements with a full orchestra


Name: Campion
Based in: Bes Democracy
Expertise: Opera
Name: Nakin
Based in: Givziean Empire
Known for: Folk songs and singing lyrical poetry
Name: Falaise Froissart
Based in: Kingdom of Nar
Known for: Singing without words


Name: Fribois Zenou
Based in: Bes Democracy
Expertise: Mapping and tracking heavenly bodies
Name: Quedah
Buried in: Hauls Theocracy
Known for: Use of night sky for divination
Name: Ceacue
Based in: Kingdom of Björnhöjd
Expertise: Astrology


Name: Mercier Fret
Based in: Bes Democracy
Genre: Romance and Drama
Name: Prestcote Dollinger
Based in: Kingdom of Nar
Genre: Biographies and ghostwriting
Name: Yun Youuxouu
Based in: Kingdom of Björnhöjd
Genre: Adventure and action


Name: Ruang Min
Buried in: Kingdom of Caldraria
Known for: Castles, government buildings and forts
Name: Ataceir Tekli
Based in: Duchy of Abar
Known for: Private housing with arcane features
Name: Gouel
Buried in: Shalehal Theocracy
Known for: Villas with large gardens and farms


Name: Ruang Min
Based in: Bes Democracy
Field of study: Alchemy
Name: Ataceir Tekli
Based in: Kingdom of Nar
Field of study Magic
Name: Exay Macrili
Based in: Givziean Empire
Field of study Medicine

Cover image: by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom