President Rank/Title in Rebia | World Anvil
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The Father or Mother President is a title given to the ruler of the Bes Democracy.


Member of parliament or something that could equate to that type of responsibility and knowledge. They must be a citizen of Bes Democracy.


Sworn in before the people, in Bin. Documentation of the persons ancestral and family lines are read aloud, and they shoot down a clay figure or pot.


To rule Bes Democracy and lead parliament.

Accoutrements & Equipment

A ceremonial firearm, made special for each president.
Father/Mother President
by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom

Symbol of the President on a velvet pillow
Civic, Political
Form of Address
Great Father/Mother
Length of Term
5 years
First Holder
Current Holders
Related Organizations

Cover image: by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom