Ucella Species in Rebia | World Anvil
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I'm sure you've heard of my impeccable taste and dashing charms, and I owe it all to the months I spent learning in Abar. There are many in the duchy that would blind you with their mere presence and elegance, making me in comparison, but a grain of sand in the vast deserts of the region. Such is the way of the Abaric.
— Gallivanter
    The Ucella are a sapient species native to Abar. Birds with big variations in colouration, the shape of the beak, and size. Aside from their larger size, they are almost indistinguishable from their smaller ancestors. Their appearance varies and can resemble sparrows, finches, or songbirds for example. The Ucella value appearance and aesthetics, taking great care in how to present themselves. The social structure and rules of etiquette of the Abaric Ucella are especially complex and can be hard to follow for outsiders, with the Ucellan population of Nar being more integrated with other cultures. Profession, economy, and arcane abilities have a high impact on one's socio-economic standing.

Basic Information


The Ucella are vertebrates, with 2 legs, and 2 wings developed from forelimbs.
Drawing of an Ucella, showing proportions and physical traits
Ucella_physique by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Ucella are granivorous, frugivorous, insectivorous, or piscivorous depending on their ancestry.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Socioeconomic class and profession shape the norm and groups in Ucella society. The Ucella of Abar also puts emphasis on lineage.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Ucella feathers are used for arcane science, such as potion brewing and spell scripting.

Facial characteristics

Facial features have a lot of variation, with the identifying features being the shape and color of the beak and the coloration of the feathers.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Mainly found in the Duchy of Abar, and the western parts of Kingdom of Nar.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Ucella has a poor sense of smell. They have excellent vision, which is key to safe flight. Ultraviolet and contrast sensitivity gains them the ability to perceive the world in more colors than most.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Ucellan names are often long, and many. The Ucella are given one name as a child. As they grow older and take up a profession or other defining role, they are expected to change or add to this name. In the Duchy of Abar, noble lineages can have exclusive names only they may use. Those that have no noble ties might take on names inspired by legend, other skilled craftsmen, or exotic names from other nations to differentiate themselves.

Beauty Ideals

Ucellan beauty ideals change with each season, and what is "in" is defined by the cultural elite of Abar.

Courtship Ideals

The egg-laying Ucella are expected to take care of their health and bodies, and not engage in risky professions and activities if they are of high station. Courting is important for Ucellan and is a long and arduous process. Especially for those of high station. Many hours of labor, money, and arcane knowledge are put into making courters look and act their very best.

Average Technological Level

Due to their lack of extremities that can utilize tools, magic has a central role in the building and upkeep of Ucellan cities. With a natural prowess for the arcane, they have invented many helpful spells and magical tools to aid their people.

Common Dress Code

Self-expression is important, and you are expected to show your personality and social standing through clothes, makeup, and ornaments.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

The Ucella hold extravagant events each season for courting. Events centered around careers, crafts, culture, and fashion are also common. Both as a way for people to mingle and show off their skills, and to commemorate achievements in the fields.

Common Taboos

The Ucellan are forgiving to those from other cultures for not following their etiquette, but some behavior is still frowned upon.
  • Unkempt appearance
  • Not signing guestbook when visiting
  • Extending hand to greet
  • Not stating profession after presenting name


The Ucella are a young species in the history of Rebia, only existing for a few thousand years as a sapient species. They have long had their own nation, protected from the outside world by the mountains surrounding the Duchy of Abar. In the last century, they spread east into the Kingdom of Nar.

Common Myths and Legends

  • A great arcane event will follow after a shower of stars.
  • The Kaadur are the embodiment of Ucellan sins of the past. If they don't keep up their civilized manners, they will turn into Kaadur.  
  • A powerful group of beautiful warriors will purge the lands from Kaadur. 
Depiction of the Ucella

Scientific Name
Aves sapiens
80 years
Average Height
80 cm
Average Weight
13 kg
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Coloration and distribution of the plumage can come in any combination. Depending on each feather's coloration, the plumage can also create stripes, gradients, and spots.

Cover image: by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom