Sapient Species in Rebia | World Anvil
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Sapient Species

The civilized people and creatures of the world


The Dayl are native to northern Givzie. Humanoids with a robust build, proportionally short limbs, and innate healing abilities. The oceans and the vast wildlands of northern Givzie kept them shielded from the conflicts of the rest of the world throughout history, resulting in a peaceful culture.


Eidefir is a species native to the shores of Givzie. They are a type of bipedal amphibian and are reminiscent of frogs, toads, and newts. They rarely travel from their settlements and live in close-knit communities, living off of the land. They prefer living near water and are excellent swimmers and climbers.


The Eldayr are a sapient species native to northern Toldero. Humanoids with partial exoskeletal plating. The forewings, (or elytra plates) on their backs can move to reveal fragile hind wings that allow short bursts of flight. Recognizable features are variations of plating covering parts or all of the face, intended to protect their large and slightly protruding eyes. Some prefer to keep these plates untouched, while others change them with carvings or other alterations. As the Eldayr ages, the plates develop more grooves and folds.


The Gubal are a sapient species native to southern Givzie. Apes and monkeys with poisonous arcane abilities. Aside from larger skulls and smaller scleras, they are almost indistinguishable from their ancestors. Their appearance varies and can resemble spider monkeys, barbary macaques, or gorillas for example, but they lack the prehensile tails of monkeys. The Gubal are the dominant species and founders of Givziean Empire, and much of their higher military ranks and scouting squads consists of Gubal. They can be found all around the world, thanks to the influence of the empire.


The Indar are a sapient species native to Björnhöjd. Tailed humanoids with a broad build. Common features include large hands, prominent joints, and long nasal ridges. Indar's tails are prehensile and used for support in rough terrain and for manoeuvres in battle. The majority of Indar strongly dislike or hate the Yatenn, which the people of northern Björnhöjd have been in conflict with for a long time.


The Lesse are a sapient species native to Caldraria. Humanoids with low melanin stemming from their Lothie ancestry. Lesse have telepathic abilities that they often use to communicate, and those living in societies with many other telepaths can have a hard time controlling their voice. This difficulty can lead to having a monotone voice, speaking in whispers, or loud exclamations.


The Lothie are a sapient species native to large parts of the world, keeping to themselves in societies beneath the earth up until the recent century. Humanoids adapted to life in the dark, with whiskers to help perceive their surroundings. Along with the extinct Gigas, they are one of the ancient species of the world. Lesse, Queni and Rulan all share Lothie ancestry, or "Uraldig" as their predecessors were called. Lothie has excellent darkvision and a quiet gait, making them superior for stealth operations.


The Queni are a sapient species native to Nar. Humanoids with bat-like ears, and 4-fingered hands. They have darkvision stemming from their Lothie ancestry, and can emit low-frequency sounds to communicate with small beasts.


The Roand are a sapient species native to Bes. Humanoids with visible Blashko's lines, pointy ears and innate magic abilities. Their skin is tougher than most.


The Rulan are a sapient species native to Shalehal. Humanoids with a tall, slender build and bioluminescent keratin evolved from their Lothie ancestry. Those with Rulan heritage often feel like luck is on their side, or as many of the Shalean people would say: that they are blessed by God. Keratin exists in both hair, skin, nails and teeth. Depending on their genetic build the bioluminescence can be stronger on some parts of the body.


The Sarva are a sapient species native to the mountains and glaciers of the world. Their anatomy resembles many of the other species but with goatlike heads and horns. The Inuit Sarva people are merchants and traders, learning the skills of persuading and charming at a young age


The Ucella are a sapient species native to Abar. Birds with big variations in colouration, the shape of the beak, and size. Aside from their larger size, they are almost indistinguishable from their smaller ancestors. Their appearance varies and can resemble sparrows, finches, or songbirds for example. The Ucella value appearance and aesthetics, taking great care in how to present themselves. The social structure and rules of etiquette of the Abaric Ucella are especially complex and can be hard to follow for outsiders, with the Ucellan population of Nar being more integrated with other cultures. Profession, economy, and arcane abilities have a high impact on one's socio-economic standing.


The Yatenn are a sapient species native to the rainforests of southern Toldero. As the descendants of the Gigas, they are much larger and taller than the other humanoids of the world. Their appearance resembles that of a Dayl with longer limbs or an Indar without a tail.


The Kaadur are a sapient species native to the Duchy of Abar and Kingdom of Nar. Resembling skeletal birds with some reptilian and sometimes humanoid features, they share little in their appearance with the Ucella they are said to derive from.


The Ulu and Uglu are ancient primordial beings with a deep connection to the earth. They are guardians and keepers of important sanctuaries in nature. Not much is recorded about their societal structure or civilization since they mostly keep to secluded spaces hidden deep in the wilderness.

Cover image: by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom