Protectorate of Sadres Organization in Rebia | World Anvil
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Protectorate of Sadres

Sadres is located south of the equator, with temperatures ranging from -8° to 26°C. The most common biomes are grassland, transitioning into temperate deciduous forests and temperate rainforests towards the coast. The northern tip has savanna and cold deserts.


The Senator leads the three divisions of senate:
  • House Orange
  • House Green
  • House White.


Sadres is one of the youngest nations of the modern world, founded 50 BU. Previously held by Shalehal in their crusades, it has always been a tumultuous place. It is the foremost battleground for conflict between Bes Democracy and Shalehal Theocracy. The conflict is slightly more contained in the last millenia.

Foreign Relations

Sadres is a protectorate of Bes Democracy

Trade & Transport

Import Export
  • Grain
  • Wood
  • Livestock
Primarily exported to Bes Democracy by road.


Sadres architecture is a mixture of Shalean and Bes due to its previous occupants. With large parts of the nation in conflict, many new buildings are erected and the trends for them vary and take inspiration from other parts of the world as well.
by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom


Sadres clothing follow Bes fashion, with the textile choices more resembling the Shalehan choices.


Tailored clothing with a minimalistic approach, but still adorned in embroidery and leathers. Dresses in a Besean style can be seen in Sadres, something that is rarely worn in Bes.


Military uniforms mimic those of Bes. They are camouflaged with colours varying depending on the biome, paired with a sailor hat or pitch helmet with the Sadres emblem on the hat, and the Bes emblem on the sleeve.

Trust and Loyalty

Protectorate of Sadres
by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom
Founding Date
50 BU
Alternative Names
Protectorate, South Bes, Bloody Bridge
Predecessor Organizations
Leader Title
Government System
Power Structure
Client state / puppet state
Major Exports
  • Grain
  • Wood
  • Livestock
Major Imports
  • Medicine
  • Metal
  • Textiles
Legislative Body
House Green consists of politicians from both Sadres and Bes that writes the laws and rules of the nation.
Judicial Body
House White have a representative for the clergy of different religions, along with appointed judges from Bes and Sadres to interpret the laws.
Executive Body
House Orange is led by the Senator who appoints the house members together with Bes leadership.
Official Languages
Related Ranks & Titles
Notable Members

Cover image: by Sabina Lind-Åkerblom
Character flag image: by Public domain