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Cult of Ernalda


Starting Skills: Animal Lore +15% or Plant Lore +15%, Cult Lore (Ernalda) +15%, Dance +20%, Meditate +5%, Sing +10%, Speak (Earthtongue) +20%, Worship (Ernalda) +20%.

Aadventurer's may add +20% to one of the previous skills, and +15% to another.

Special Rune Magic: Absorption, Arouse Passion, Bless Champion, Bless Crops, Bless Pregnancy, Charisma, Command Snake, Command Swine, Dismiss Earth Elemental (any size), Earthpower, Gnome to Gargoyle (one-use), Heal Body, Inviolable, Regrow Limb, Reproduce, Restore Health, Summon Earth Elemental (any size), and Summon Household Guardian.

Cult Spirit Magic: Befuddle (2 pts.), Demoralize (2 pts.), Heal (var.), Second Sight (3 pts.), Shimmer (var.), Slow (1 pt.), Strength (2 pts.), and Vigor (2 pts.).

All initiates start with the Ignite spell as an additional spirit magic spell that does not count against their 5 points of starting cult spirit magic.

Favored Passions: Devotion (Ernalda), Loyalty (Temple), Loyalty (High Priestess).

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