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Cult of Ygg

God of the Winter Wind

The God of the Winter Wind, he is the Sea Storm who sends raging winds to rip sails and freezing rains to stiffen and weigh down ropes and lines to test his worshipers and destroy his foes. Ygg guides icebergs to hole and wreck ships, and teaches his worshipers how to sail through sea ice unharmed.

Like their god, his violent worshipers revel in destruction, taking what they want from their victims, and making sacrificies to their marauding god. Like their deity, they are rootless wanderers upon the wide wild seas of the world.


Starting Skills: Boat or Shiphandling +10%, Cult Lore (Ygg) +15%, Meditate +5%, Weapon (Any) +20%, Weapon (Any Other) or Battle +15%, Worship (Ygg) +20%.

Cult Spirit Magic: Bladesharp (var.), Demoralize (2 pts.), Dispel Magic (var.), Fanaticism (1 pt.), Heal (var.), and Protection (var.)

Favored Passions: Devotion (Ygg), Loyalty (Captain)

Associated Cults: Orlanth, Valind, Dormal.

Religious, Cult
Related Ethnicities

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