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The Good Defender

He fought in the Last Royal Betrayal, a major battle of the Sword and Helm War ancient feud which destroyed the Kodigvari and the unity of the Vingkotlings. He managed to survive and made his way back home because his sister-in-law came from the land in which the battle was fought. Irillo defended the Grandmothers when Rastagar, the King of the Vingkotlings threatened them and he was slain, but later returned as a dead man offering to defend Nochet.
Irillo is the good warrior, the defender of the people, the land, and the cities. He never leaves the land to fight elsewhere. Irillo’s cult forms the local militia and maintains the local defenses in every Esrolian city, town and village and are known as the Irillo Hundreds.24 An Irillo Hundred is approximately one hundred households. Geography determines membership of a Hundred, not kinship. The Hundreds fight under the command of their chosen leader and the divine protection of the Irillo cult. Irillo’s Rune magic only works within the boundaries designated for that Irillo Hundred.

Holy Days: Clayday, Stasis Week with the High Holy Day in Earthseason.

Temples: shrines within each of the barracks of the Irillo Hundreds.

Lay Members: join one of the Irillo Hundred Milita units. Members are supplied relevant weapons and taught the associated skills and spirit magic for that unit. (See Warrior/Militia)

Initiate Requirements: three years’ service in an Irillo Hundred unit and pass a test of three of the following: the unit’s weapons, Battle, Orate.

Cult Skills: Battle, Cult Lore (Irillo), Devise, Orate, Worship (Irillo), other as per militia unit.

Favored Passions: Loyalty (city, town, village).

Spirit Magic: Countermagic, Parry.

Common Rune Magic: Extension, Spirit Block.

Special Rune Magic: City Defense, Shield.

Starting Skills: Battle +20%, Devise +10%, Orate +15%.


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