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Nochet and other Esrolian cities maintain militia units called “Irillo Hundreds” to man the city gates, docks, and walls, collect tolls from those entering, guard the granaries, occasionally guard market areas, and help put down riots or put out fires. Some members, particularly leaders, are permanently part of the militia, but many members perform their service after adulthood for several years before moving on to other occupations.

Homelands: Nochet, Esrolian cities and towns.

Occupational Skills: Battle +20%, All Unit Weapons (including shield) or noted Skills +25%, Customs (local) +10%, First Aid +10%, Intimidate +10%, Listen +10%, Scan +10%, Sing +10%, Streetwise* +10%, Natural Weapon (pick one) +15%.

Standard of Living: Free.

Base Income: 60 L.

Cults: depends on militia unit patron, but includes: Argan Argar, Babeester Gor, Humakt, Irillo, Cult of Lodril, Magasta, Orlanth, Yelmalio.

Favored Passions: Loyalty (City/Town), Loyalty (Regiment).

Ransom: 500 L.

Equipment: armor by unit type (see RuneQuest core book p.71-73), appropriate weapons, 1D3 distinctive scars, sleeping roll, good clothing, war booty worth D100 L, small statuette of patron spirit worth 50L.

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Profession | Sep 5, 2024

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