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The Title of Archmage of the Jade Town has been held by only one individual, who is generally simply known as 'The Archmage '.    While once or twice in it's history some-one has challenged for the title, it is not clear how this would even work, and in all cases such challengers were defeated, humbled, or destroyed.    It is not known if the title itself would pass to another should the present archmage die, though the most powerful wizards of the tower do seem to have something in mind for when that day comes, if it ever does.   The Archmage is responsible for the Jade Tower; for maintaining it's magical powers, for extending those.  For judging those who commit crimes against the community and permitting others to join it.  He is the final authority in the Jade Tower and in many ways it's absolute ruler, though day to day affairs are delegated to other mages and often a council of the most powerful mages will vote on matters best sought to 'not trouble' the Archmage with.


It is generally agreed upon that to be the Archmage one must be the power powerful Wizard in the Jade Tower, and the spot must be Vacant.
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