BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!



The Archmage  is a strange figure about which very little is known, even by those very close to him.   What is known is that some-time in the last two-hundred years, he used his magic to rise the Jade Tower  out of the Mountain stone and set it up to become a bastion of learning and wizardry for The Veld .   Mysterious from the first, he has trained himself many pupils who have then gone on to become Wizards of some renown themselves.  There are other wizards within the Veld, but most of these are taught in a more ancient one on one apprenticeship.  A faint few are self-trained, though that is profoundly dangerous.  Only the Jade Tower offers systematic lessons and education, including on matters many are ignorant about; such as astronomy, planar metaphysics, and philosophy.    The Archmage is often gone from the Tower, and rarely do any know if he is coming or going.  He has regular meetings with the senior staff, but these are sporadic.  He does appear to collect magical items, knowledge and devices, for those who have seen his rooms know they are filled with the dangerous and the powerful.    He seems to have collected much remnants of magic of the Southern Empire , as well as fragments of Elven and Giant Magic.     Since his age is unknown, and he has no signs of degeneration beyond what displays in an old man, none know if he will perish, or what would happen if he did.   When asks he often says "Nothing is truly Immortal, not even the World" seeming to suggest that he will die at some point.
Lawful Good
Current Location
Grey and sometimes luminous
Thining White and Grey
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
A faded pallor of Grey
162 lb's
Aligned Organization


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