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Jarl Svald

Jarl Svald (a.k.a. The Bloodstained Jarl, The Jarl of Thorns)

In the North, when one speaks of cruelty, of evil, talk inevitably turns to Jarl Svald. Forsaken of the Gods, Svald was a blood-thirsty tyrant who delighted in destruction and degradation. Conquest and power were all he cared about, and yet even as he deposed a Jarl and raised himself into a reaver and conqueror he knew it would never be enough. Already he could feel time thieving his skills and strength and he knew sooner rather than later age would suck the life from him. His obsession with overcoming death led him to defy both man and gods. How he achieved what he did no-one knows, and the thing that he is now is unquestionably an abomination. Svald has lived easily beyond the years of any mortal man. He was Jarl when the most aged Grandfather’s Grandfather was a boy. His realm is one of cruelty, ruled by his perverse offspring and a smattering of lords. These compete endlessly for his favour, or occasionally conspired to remove him, though the tough old bastard has always come out on top. Thralls and other sorts of slaves, both natural and supernatural, frequent his realm. It is not a place many go willingly.


Contacts & Relations

Almost universally reviled, Svald has not had regular contact with any of the present Jarls. Bordering Selibold's  realm, conflict has blossomed repeatedly between their peoples, but never the Jarl himself. There is some minor trade with the Dragon Island, but again, no message has passed between the two kings. Some wonder if Svald has finally passed on, though the continued obedience of his children seems to suggest direction. Some Goblins trade with Svald, and he is said to be generous with that race.   All were surprised when a ship bearing emissaries appeared at the Conclave called to attack Magnus.  Stranger still was Svald's emissary agreeing to send ships and warriors to aid the cause.  Why the Bloodstained Jarl would involve himself is beyond most, and some wonder if his help is a worse cure than the disease.
Unknown, but over 140 years


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