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Knights of the Temple

The Knights of the Temple are one of the most mysterious facets of the Church of the White Ash .   These Warriors are unmistkable in their heavy robes and armours, which obscured their features entirely, leaving not an inch of flesh exposed whenever they are outside of their own sanctums.  It is known that strange rituals are involved in the ordination of a knight, and that they possess unusual powers, but none know how their members are selected.   Indeed individuals have strange names the reflect their devotion to their order; sometimes virtues or other qualities.  Sir Chaste, Sir Dilligent, Sir Penitent, and so forth.   They are tasked with gaurding temples and other places holy to the White Flame.  In this they are dilligent, and while adjecent to the priestly orders, are not subject to order from them.    They are known to oppose other-worldy beings with particular vigor.   Because of the mystery surrounding them many rumours circuluate among believes and pagans alike.    Some say that their ritual magics involve horrible disfigurement, with glowing blue ritual scars.  Others that the unspeakable magics actual transform them into otherworldly beings.  Some of the faithful say they are angels, hiding their bodies so as to not enrapture us.  Others say they are demons, bound in armour forged by faith.   None outside the order yet know the truth, or if they do, dare speak it, which only enhanxes the


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