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Church of the White Ash

Mythology & Lore

The Church holds a cyclical view of history and mythology.  At first, the world was the Ashes of the previous world, with only the few scant survivors within.  Specific doctrines do not identify these survivors, though Dragons are nearly universally accepted as one, as are Demons.  Most believe the Fae, and the Elves specifically are also survivors of the previous world, but others consider this heretical and the synod has not given a specific ruling on the matter, nor does it seem likely to.   In any case, from this Ash rose the starts of the world; the growth of plants and animals, of magic, higher and lower powers.  All growing and working, first as young sprouts, than as full grown tree's, and soon, as rotted carcasses in need of being swept away.   Eventually the flame will descend once more, scouring the world of all the unworthy, purifying and leaving some few survivors to propagate in the next world.    This is the great cycle, and no being may step outside it, no matter how they try.  The world promises pain, but also cleansing redemption.

Divine Origins

When the Southern Empire fell, the Church already, in some simple form existed.   The Empire had been experiencing difficulties for generations, and faith in the governing structures and the rulers had faltered.  Many looked for explanations and as 'barbarian' invasions grew and the infighting of the elites let to catastrophe after catastrophe, a number of apocalyptic cults emerged.   Few are sure why the White Ash rose above the rest.  Doctrine suggests it is because of the underlying truth of their beliefs.  Others point to their magical abilities, which enabled them to help their worshippers survive the worst of the collapse.  Others suggest that it's adoption by some ranking members of the Empire meant it could gird itself to the organizational structures and thus when gain the benefits of both old and new.   Regardless, the Church emerged from the collapse as one of the few organizations capable of getting anything done.  It held much power, and much knowledge of the world, including its history and the magic within it.  This made it an important ally that earlier kings soon allied with.  This gave them legitimacy and wealth and soon the Church' missionaries spread throughout the lands of the South.

Tenets of Faith

The Church has elaborate rules it garners from a combination of several holy texts and the teachings and writings of successive church leaders.  These are stored and duplicated by Monasteries and spread throughout the domain of the White Ash.   For the Lay Person the church preaches an inevitable destruction to this world, but one that will burn away impurities.  Worshippers are expected to recognize the sin and impurity within themselves and work to make themselves more worthy of existing in the next world.  These include cultivating virtues such as;   Piety:  Holding to the faith in all extreme and submitting oneself to the belief in the conflagration and the rebirth. Humility: Recognizing that few will survive the conflagration and that in this fallen age, all are unworthy and only through this recognition may the impurities in oneself be purged. Chastity:  A Recognition that earthy pleasures and desires, be they for food, sex or other sensations, while not inherently sinful, easily spread the rot that eats at the world.    The Morality of the Church preaches against Murder, Theft, Adultery, fornication, Bearing False Witness, Breaking one's word, using violence or the threat of violence to force another into compliance, etc.


The Priesthood of the White Ash are reconized by their White Robes, their shaven heads, and their devotion.   The Church is, in many sense, a Monastic organization, and Monasteries form the heart of their extended religious hierarchy.    Each Monastery is staffed by numerous priests, as well as acolytes and lay-persons, and governed over by an Abbott or Abbess, who is elected by the brothers or sisters there, with approval from the Synod.    The Abbots in turn nominate each regional member of the Synod.  At present there are eight members of the Synod, each is chosen in a for-life appointment upon the death of a predecessor.  It is always an event when this happens, as not all Abbots can travel to one location to nominate and vote for successors, so the jockeying for proxy votes and such can make the issue very political.    While the Monasteries serve as the place of generation of Priests, many do not stay at a Monastery.  While they will be affiliated with one, they may go out into the world; either to do missionary work, or to work with the people.  Most villages will have at least one travelling priest who will move through, and almost all towns, even those without Monasteries, will have at least one priest in residence.   The Ordination process is long and the requirements usually demand that a person be an acolyte for at least a period of seven years.  Exceptions are very, very rarely made.  These years as an Acolyte train the individual in devotion, humility and the rites of the priesthood, which are extensive, and also include their divine powers.   The permission of an Abbot is required to become a full cleric; the Ordination ritual see's objects that spiritually represent the priests life prior to this point placed upon a pier and burnt.  The Abbot attending with then cover the applicants face in the remaining ash, inscribing words of power before their head is completely shaven and water is poured over them to signal rebirth and regrowth.

Granted Divine Powers

Monks of the White Ash possess the usual assortment of Divine Powers, the Grave Domain is their principal domain and from which they gain the majority of their powers.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The Church has immense power within the Southern Kingdoms, with Lords and Kings often turning to it for their own legitimacy.  It is seen positively by many common people, as the frugality and benevolence of the monks is well known.  Their rejection of worldly goods and separation from other people produces opinions that often laud their lifestyles, though jokes about lustful, perverted or decadent monks abound.   There political control has it's limits however; sanction by the Church is rare, and even when it happens has the greatest effect of denying the would be blasphemer access to the magical might of the Church, which is considerable.    Outside of the Southern Kingdoms there grip and power is very tenuous.  They have a deep presence on The Far Islands , with several of the kings there being coverts and several monasteries open even in lands that do not official embrace their theology.   They have had much greater problems penetrating The Veld .  While some, such as Jarl Bjornkarl , have permitted them to preach their ways, others, most notably Jarl Selibold , persecute them and their followers, even to the point of violence.   The Monastic practices of the Monks set them apart from others, and while their magical powers are useful, their oddity often keeps them at arms length from others.


The Knights of the Temple are a separate organization parallel and somewhat within the Church.  These knights, in their strange glowing armour, are a sight at major religious sites of the organization.  They are never seen outside their armour and rumours about them are rampant.   There do not appear to be that many; for they go where they are tasks.  Their order is said to be responsible for guarding holy places, and the body of the faith.  It is unknown how one joins them, and many speak of the rituals to join as making the end user beyond mortal.
Religious, Organised Religion
Notable Members


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