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Southern Empire

Though it certainly had other names in it's life-time, modern scholars who know of it, or just those with some expertise generally refer to the 'Southern Empire'. It's ancient, ruined Capitol, once a center of splendor for the world, is located far south of even the so-called Southern Kingdoms. Long before living memory it was an Empire in Decline, it's height so far in the distant past that only the longest lived of Elves or Dragons, or the Gods Themselves recall it.   What is known is that it was a Godless kingdom, ruled at it's height by Magical beings who were not considered human. There has been debate on the nature of these beings; were they some sort of Spirit or Demon, Dragons? The Fay? Their power and interest in their Empire, constructed as it was of 'lesser' beings waned and than started to crack apart. It is known their Kingdom did War with the Giant Kingdoms when they were more extant, though not as pervasively as did the Elves or the Gods.   What is left behind is their language and it's descendants, their Ruins, and fragments of their magic.   They never ventured as far north as the Veld, or even the more Northerly parts of the Southern Kingdoms, and thus Artifacts of the Empire are rare, save occasionally in the Hands of the Church of the White Ash . That body arose from the end of the Empires Power, and has garnered remnants of their knowledge as the basis of their theology.
Dissolution Date
Year 0
Alternative Names
The Dragon Empire, The Old Empire


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