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Adrien Thorne

Warden Adrien Thorn (a.k.a. Coldheart)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Adrien maintains peak physical condition, adhering to a disciplined lifestyle to meet the demanding requirements of his position.

Body Features

His physique is lean and toned, a result of regular exercise and the physical demands of overseeing a high-security prison.

Facial Features

Adrien has a chiseled jawline, accentuating his stern and unyielding demeanor.

Identifying Characteristics

A prominent scar on his left cheek

Apparel & Accessories

He is often seen in a tailored uniform befitting his position as Warden, adorned with symbols of authority such as a keychain and insignia.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Adrien Thorne rose through the ranks of the prison system, gaining a reputation for his ruthless and unyielding approach to maintaining order. His childhood in the ethereal summit instilled in him a resilience that he carried into his career. Adrien's journey to becoming the Warden of Coldstone Prison was marked by a series of strategic moves and calculated decisions that solidified his place in the harsh hierarchy of the ethereal summit.

Gender Identity

Cisgender male


Adrien's personal life is kept private, and his sexuality remains unknown to those under his command.


Adrien received a rigorous education in law enforcement and management, honing the skills needed to control a prison known for its challenging inmates.


His career path led him to become the formidable Warden of Coldstone Prison, a position he guards fiercely.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Adrien Thorne is celebrated for transforming Coldstone Prison into a tightly run institution, quelling unrest and maintaining an iron grip on the facility. His tenure has resulted in reduced escape attempts and increased discipline among the inmates.

Failures & Embarrassments

While his professional achievements are noteworthy, Adrien has faced criticism for his harsh methods, with allegations of excessive force and questionable ethical practices tarnishing his reputation.

Intellectual Characteristics

Adrien Thorne possesses a sharp and strategic mind, capable of navigating the complex web of prison management. He is known for anticipating potential issues and implementing preemptive solutions.

Morality & Philosophy

Adrien's philosophy revolves around maintaining control and order at any cost. He believes in the necessity of tough measures to ensure the safety of both staff and inmates.


Adrien considers any breach of prison security or disobedience from inmates as unacceptable. He has little tolerance for insubordination or challenges to his authority.

Personality Characteristics


Adrien Thorne is driven by a commitment to maintaining order and control within Coldstone Prison. His motivations stem from a belief in the necessity of harsh measures to prevent chaos and rebellion.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Adrien excels in crisis management and maintaining discipline but may struggle with more diplomatic or empathetic aspects of leadership.

Likes & Dislikes

Adrien takes pleasure in the order and structure he imposes within Coldstone Prison. He dislikes any challenge to his authority or disruptions to the established routine.

Virtues & Personality perks

Adrien values discipline, order, and loyalty. He rewards those who prove themselves reliable and obedient.

Vices & Personality flaws

His unwavering commitment to control can lead to a lack of empathy and understanding. Adrien's strict methods may be viewed as excessive by some.


Greasy, but somehow well put together


Contacts & Relations

His connections within the prison system and law enforcement agencies contribute to Adrien's influence.

Family Ties

Details about Adrien's family are kept private, and he seldom discusses personal matters.

Social Aptitude

Adrien excels in authoritative and leadership roles but may struggle with more social or diplomatic interactions.


His demeanor is composed and reserved, with a no-nonsense approach that demands respect.

Wealth & Financial state

Adrien holds a position of authority but focuses more on power and control than personal wealth.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Year of Birth
160 PS 45 Years old
icy blue
Sleek raven black, greasy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
185 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Order is the foundation of security. I will not tolerate chaos within my walls."
Ruled Locations

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