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Coldstone Prison

Coldstone Prison, an imposing fortress situated in the heart of The Xopis Empire, stands as an impenetrable bastion of captivity. The sprawling complex, surrounded by towering walls adorned with enchantments to thwart magical escape attempts, is a grim testament to the empire's determination to quell dissent and punish those deemed enemies of the state. The prison's notorious reputation is well-earned, as its labyrinthine corridors house not only political dissidents and rebels but also those convicted of crimes surpassing mere pettiness.   At the helm of this formidable institution is Warden Adrien Thorne, a stoic and ruthless figure chosen for his unyielding loyalty to the empire. With a stern countenance and a reputation for unrelenting discipline, Thorne oversees the day-to-day operations of Coldstone Prison with an iron fist. The prison's main purpose is not only containment but exploitation, as the inmates, considered expendable resources, are forced into grueling labor within the treacherous Aether mines. The death rates among the prisoners in these hazardous conditions are alarmingly high, a stark consequence of the empire's relentless pursuit of Aether, the mineral that fuels its magical supremacy. The mines, shrouded in perpetual darkness and echoing with the sounds of toiling prisoners, extract not only Aether but also the very life force of those condemned within Coldstone's walls. The combination of formidable security measures, merciless overseers, and the lethal demands of Aether mining make Coldstone Prison an inescapable and nightmarish purgatory for those unfortunate enough to be confined within its confines.

Purpose / Function

Coldstone Prison serves as a formidable stronghold within the Xopis Empire, designed with a dual purpose of containment and exploitation. Built approximately 125 years ago during a period of heightened authoritarian rule, the fortress is specifically crafted to confine political dissidents, rebels, and criminals convicted of crimes surpassing petty crimes. Here, the prisoners toil under hazardous conditions, their lives sacrificed to extract the coveted Aether mineral that powers the empire's magical abilities.


Enhanced Enchantments: Enchantments on the prison's walls and barriers have been periodically reinforced and upgraded to counter any advances in magical escape attempts. The empire invests in the latest magical technologies to ensure Coldstone remains an impenetrable fortress.   Expansion of Aether Mines: To meet the increasing demand for Aether, the empire has expanded the mining sections within Coldstone. Additional tunnels and chambers have been excavated to accommodate a larger number of prisoners subjected to the hazardous labor required for Aether extraction.   Improved Surveillance Systems: Advancements in surveillance technology have led to the installation of more sophisticated monitoring systems throughout the prison. These include magical and mundane surveillance tools to track the movements and activities of both inmates and staff.   Improved Living Conditions (for Staff): While the harsh conditions for prisoners persist, certain modifications have been made to improve the living conditions for the prison staff. This strategic move aims to maintain the loyalty and efficiency of those responsible for overseeing the daily operations of Coldstone.


Enchanted Walls and Barriers: The prison's outer walls are reinforced with powerful enchantments, providing a magical shield against attempts to breach or scale them. These enchantments are regularly maintained and upgraded to withstand both conventional and magical intrusion.   Watchtowers and Sentry Posts: Strategically positioned watchtowers and sentry posts dot the perimeter of Coldstone Prison. Manned by vigilant guards, these elevated structures provide a clear line of sight over the surrounding landscape, ensuring early detection of any potential threats.   Magical Wards and Runes: Throughout the prison, intricate magical wards and runes are inscribed on walls, doors, and key locations. These magical defenses serve to repel unauthorized magical entities, disrupt escape spells, and maintain a secure environment within the prison's confines.   Moat and Drawbridge: A water-filled moat surrounds the prison, acting as both a physical and symbolic barrier. Access to Coldstone is granted through a drawbridge that can be raised or lowered, controlling entry and reinforcing the fortress-like appearance of the prison.   Internal Security Gates: Sections of the prison are divided by heavy security gates. These gates can be sealed in the event of a disturbance, isolating specific areas and preventing the spread of unrest. Each gate is reinforced with magical and mundane locking mechanisms.   Guard Towers Along Aether Mines: Along the hazardous Aether mines, guard towers are strategically placed to oversee prisoner labor. Guards in these towers ensure that mining operations proceed efficiently and that prisoners remain under strict supervision.   Magical Alarm Systems: Coldstone Prison is equipped with magical alarm systems that alert guards to unusual activities or breaches. These alarms are triggered by unauthorized movements, attempts at magical manipulation, or any signs of potential disturbances.   Living Quarters Within Secure Walls: Even the living quarters for prison staff are situated within secure walls, ensuring that those responsible for overseeing the facility are protected from potential external threats or uprisings from within.


Constructed approximately 125 years ago under Emperor Valarian, Coldstone Prison stands as an imposing fortress within the heart of the Xopis Empire. Designed by the renowned architect Lucius Blackthorn, the prison's architecture reflects the empire's authoritarian control. Appointed by Delemmak Gadilinion for his unwavering loyalty, Warden Adrien Thorne oversees Coldstone's operations. Initially intended for political dissidents, the prison's purpose expanded to include the extraction of Aether, a perilous endeavor leading to alarming death rates among the incarcerated. Despite strategic alterations over time, the prison's impervious nature remains a symbol of oppression and fear, with legendary tales emerging of daring escapes challenging the empire's oppressive rule.
Founding Date
80 PS
Prison camps
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