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Aether, the lifeblood of Obrura, is a rare and potent energy source mined exclusively from the depths of The Ethereal Summit. With its unique properties, Aether serves as the fundamental power behind the functioning of towns, settlements, and the intricate magitech equipment scattered across the world. The entire refining process takes place in the capital city of Swordbreak, where skilled artisans and factory workers carefully extract and purify the essence of Aether.   This remarkable substance not only fuels the magical infrastructure but also plays a pivotal role in the development of magitech modifications and enhancements. Aether's energy is harnessed to augment various aspects of life, from artificial limbs to powerful spellcasting abilities. Its scarcity and importance make it a coveted resource, tightly regulated to prevent misuse and maintain a balance in the delicate ecosystem of Obrura.   Aether is typically utilized in small doses, measured in ounces, for various applications such as magitech modifications and energy sources. The cost per ounce may vary depending on the specific use and demand within the market, but the pound-to-gold ratio provides a general baseline for the value of this precious and sought-after resource.

Manufacturing process

  1. Mining: Miners equipped with Aetherium Extractors and Magical Scanners locate Aether-rich areas within the Ethereal Summit. The enchanted tools break through the magical barriers surrounding the Aether crystals, extracting them from the rocks.
  2. Transportation: Extracted Aether crystals are carefully transported to the refining facility.
  3. Preparation: Aether crystals are inspected and sorted based on their size, purity, and magical resonance. Impurities and non-crystalline material are removed to ensure the refining process works with the highest quality Aether.
  4. Condensation: Aether crystals are subjected to Aether Condensers, magical devices that concentrate and condense the Aether vapors. This step separates Aether from unwanted substances, creating a more potent and refined substance.
  5. Alchemical Refinement: The condensed Aether is further processed through Alchemy Stations. Alchemists skilled in Aether refinement use precise combinations of magical catalysts and reactions to extract pure Aether from the condensed substance.
  6. Stabilization: Aether is channeled through Aether Stabilizers to control its magical fluctuations. These devices ensure a consistent and manageable flow of Aether energy, preventing unpredictable releases of magical energy.
  7. Warding Runes: The refining area is surrounded by inscribed Warding Runes. These enchanted symbols act as safeguards, containing and controlling the magical energies involved in the process, preventing unintended consequences.
  8. Quality Assurance: The refined Aether undergoes rigorous quality checks to ensure it meets the required standards. Alchemists and enchanters monitor the magical resonance, purity, and stability of the refined Aether.
  9. Storage: Once refined, the Aether is stored in secure containers until it is ready for distribution. Storage conditions are carefully controlled to prevent contamination or unintended magical interactions.


The history of Aether in Obrura is intertwined with the discovery of the Ethereal Summit. Ages ago, intrepid explorers and miners uncovered the Ethereal Summit, a mysterious and otherworldly location where Aether was found in abundance. Recognizing the unique properties of this substance, the people of Obrura began mining and harnessing Aether for various applications.   The mining and refinement of Aether became a closely guarded secret, known only to select individuals and factions. The Samizdat took control of Aether production in Swordbreak. They established a monopoly on the refinement process, ensuring that Aether remained a valuable resource controlled by those in power.   Over time, Aether became the lifeblood of Obrura, powering not only essential infrastructure but also fueling the magitech revolution. Its history is one of mystery, power, and the delicate balance between those who control its production and those who depend on its energy to sustain their way of life.


The significance of Aether in Obrura is profound and far-reaching. Aether serves as the primary energy source for the entire continent, driving the magitech revolution and powering essential infrastructure. Its significance lies in several key aspects:
  • Magitech Advancements: Aether is the cornerstone of magitech development in Obrura. It enables the creation of powerful enchantments, magical augmentations, and advanced technological devices. The widespread use of Aether has transformed the way people live, work, and interact with their environment.
  • Economic Control: The control and distribution of Aether have become critical elements of economic and political power. Swordbreak's monopoly on Aether refinement grants the Samizdat significant influence, allowing them to shape the continent's economic landscape and exert control over various regions.
  • Urban Development: Cities and settlements across Obrura rely on Aether to illuminate streets, power transportation systems, and fuel various industries. The presence of Aether has driven urbanization and the development of sprawling metropolises that thrive on the energy it provides.
  • Dependency and Vulnerability: The widespread use of Aether has created a societal dependency on this magical energy. The potential dangers of Aether exposure and the risk of Aether Poisoning add an element of vulnerability to Obrura's population, as prolonged exposure could lead to detrimental health effects.
  • Mystical Connection: Aether's origin in the Ethereal Summit adds a mystical and otherworldly dimension to its significance. The mysterious nature of the Ethereal Summit and the unique properties of Aether contribute to a sense of wonder and awe among the people of Obrura.
Item type
Aether is considered extremely rare, and its scarcity contributes significantly to its value. The difficulty in mining and extracting Aether from The Ethereal Summit, combined with its crucial role in powering magitech equipment and various applications, makes it a prized and sought-after resource in Obrura. Its rarity enhances its allure and market value, making it a commodity of great importance and intrigue within the world.
Base Price
1000 g/lb

Mining Aether:

  • Aetherium Extractors: These are enchanted pickaxes or drilling tools specifically designed to extract Aether crystals from the rocks of the Ethereal Summit. The enchantments help to break through the magical barriers surrounding the Aether crystals.
  • Magical Scanners: These devices are used to detect concentrations of Aether in the rocks. Miners use these scanners to locate Aether-rich areas within the Ethereal Summit, guiding them to optimal mining locations.

Refining Aether:

  • Aetheric Crucibles: These are large, specially crafted cauldrons or crucibles used for the refining process. They are typically made from enchanted metals that can withstand the intense magical energies involved.
  • Aether Condensers: These devices help concentrate and condense Aether vapors, separating them from impurities during the refining process. Aether condensers are intricate pieces of magitech machinery.
  • Alchemy Stations: Alchemists skilled in Aether refinement use specialized stations equipped with magical apparatus to perform precise and controlled reactions. These stations are crucial for extracting pure Aether from raw materials.
  • Aether Stabilizers: To prevent Aether from fluctuating uncontrollably during the refining process, stabilizers are employed. These devices ensure a consistent and manageable flow of Aether energy.
  • Warding Runes: Enchanted runes and symbols are inscribed around the refining area to contain and control the magical energies involved. These runes act as safeguards, preventing accidental releases of uncontrolled Aether.

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