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Archivum Lysandrae

The Library of Lysandra, founded in the city of Swordbreak, stands as an enduring bastion of knowledge that has weathered the test of time. Established in 1785 BS by the cleric Thaddeus Everglen, the library was initially dedicated to the goddess of knowledge, Lysandra. Over the centuries, it evolved into a multicultural institution, embracing scholars from all races and backgrounds. Its architecture reflects a harmonious blend of elven aesthetics and practical modernity, symbolizing its commitment to both tradition and progress.
At the heart of the library's operations is its vibrant and dedicated staff. The diverse team of scholars and specialists, each with their unique expertise, creates an environment where the pursuit of knowledge knows no bounds. The library's archives, boasting an extensive collection of rare books and manuscripts, have become a crucial resource for understanding the pre-Sundering world. Its public section, equipped with digital catalogs and magical enhancements, ensures that knowledge is accessible to all who seek it.
  As a hub of intellectual activity, the Library of Lysandra not only preserves history but actively contributes to it. Through research missions into unexplored or ancient ruins, the library has become a beacon of exploration, unearthing forgotten truths and expanding the collective understanding of the world. With a rich history, inclusive culture, and a dedication to pushing the boundaries of knowledge, the Library of Lysandra remains an indispensable institution in Swordbreak, shaping the intellectual landscape for generations to come.



The current director of the library is Professor Arden Duskmere. As the head of the library, Arden oversees the overall management and direction of the institution. She is responsible for making strategic decisions, managing budgets, and ensuring the library's continued growth and relevance.

Assistant Director:

  The role of Assistant Director is currently held by Professor Cedric Ironsides. In this position, Professor Ironsides assists the director in various administrative tasks, coordinates with department heads, and helps implement the library's policies and initiatives.

Department Heads:

The library is divided into several departments, each headed by a department head. These departments include Archives, Special Collections, Public Services, Research and Development, and Outreach. Each department focuses on specific aspects of the library's functions, such as managing archives, curating special collections, assisting the public, conducting research, and reaching out to the community.

Dr. Sandra Everglen - Head of Archives:

Dr. Everglen is an elven scholar with a passion for preserving and organizing historical documents. Known for her meticulous work, she has significantly expanded the archives, ensuring the safekeeping of valuable manuscripts and scrolls.
Ancient Manuscripts Division:
Specializing in deciphering and preserving ancient texts, this division focuses on manuscripts dating back to pre-sundering times. Scholars in this department often collaborate with linguists to unlock the secrets of forgotten languages.  
Cultural Histories Wing:
Dedicated to documenting the cultural evolution of different civilizations, this wing focuses on texts, artifacts, and visual materials that provide insights into the customs, traditions, and lifestyles of various societies throughout history.  
Map and Cartography Section:
A team of cartographers and geographers work to collect and preserve maps from different eras. They create detailed replicas of ancient maps and explore the evolution of geographical knowledge over time.  

Professor Thaddeus Blackstone - Head of Special Collections:

Professor Blackstone, a gnome with a keen interest in rare artifacts and ancient tomes, oversees the special collections. He has curated exhibits showcasing unique items, attracting scholars and enthusiasts alike to the library.  
Magical Artifacts Vault:
This collection features rare and powerful magical artifacts, each carefully cataloged and stored with protective enchantments. Scholars in this division study the history and properties of these artifacts, ensuring they are handled with caution.  
Rare Book Repository:
Home to one-of-a-kind books, this repository houses volumes that are unique, either due to their scarcity, historical significance, or magical properties. Access to this collection is restricted, requiring approval from the library's administration.  
Ethereal Summit Chronicles:
Focused on the mystical Ethereal Summit, this section contains scrolls, journals, and firsthand accounts from adventurers who have explored the summit. Researchers in this division often collaborate with the expedition team to expand their knowledge of this mysterious location.

Sylvia Moonshade - Head of Public Services:

Sylvia is a half-elf dedicated to providing exceptional service to library patrons. Under her leadership, the public services department has implemented innovative programs, making the library a welcoming space for all.

Librarians and Specialists:

Librarians and specialists work within the different departments, handling day-to-day operations, assisting patrons, and managing specific areas of expertise. Melanie Briscoe serves as the receptionist and is known for her friendly demeanor.

Elinor Swiftfoot - Mythology Librarian:

Elinor specializes in mythology and folklore, assisting researchers and enthusiasts in uncovering the rich tapestry of the world's myths. Her deep knowledge and storytelling abilities make her a favorite among those seeking ancient tales.  

Archibald Emberforge - Magical Studies Specialist:

Archibald is a dwarf well-versed in magical studies. His expertise extends to deciphering arcane texts and manuscripts, aiding both scholars and adventurers in understanding the magical history of the world.

Researchers and Expedition Team:

The library employs a team of researchers and adventurers who are tasked with exploring uncharted territories and old ruins to retrieve valuable information. This team is crucial for uncovering historical knowledge from the pre-sundering era.  

Captain Reyna Stormwatch - Leader of the Expedition Team:

Captain Stormwatch, a seasoned adventurer and tactician, leads the team on daring missions to unexplored regions. Her leadership skills and knowledge of survival make her an invaluable asset to the library's exploration efforts.  

Dr. Elara Fireheart - Archaeologist and Historian:

Dr. Fireheart is an ambitious tiefling archaeologist specializing in uncovering ancient ruins. Her discoveries have shed light on pre-sundering civilizations, and her research contributes significantly to the library's expanding knowledge base.



The library fosters a culture of intellectual curiosity and collaboration among its employees. Nurturing a love for knowledge, staff members are encouraged to pursue their individual interests and engage in interdisciplinary research. There's a sense of camaraderie among the employees, with regular trivia nights and shared excitement for new discoveries.  


Visitors to the library experience an atmosphere of reverence for knowledge. The hushed tones and the scent of old parchment create a serene ambiance, inviting individuals to immerse themselves in the world of books. The staff is known for their helpfulness, guiding visitors through the vast collections and offering assistance in their quests for information.  

Community Engagement:

The library actively engages with the community through events, lectures, and outreach programs. It hosts book clubs, author talks, and educational workshops, making knowledge accessible to a broader audience. The regular trivia nights, open to the public, serve as a fun way for the community to connect with the library staff.  

Diversity of Interests:

With employees specializing in diverse and sometimes peculiar fields of study, the library embraces a spectrum of interests. Whether one is fascinated by ancient demonic cults or enchanted maps, there's a space for every passion within the library's walls. This diversity enriches the overall culture of the institution.  

Adventurous Spirit:

The library's commitment to exploration is reflected in its frequent research missions to uncharted territories. Employees and visitors alike are drawn to the thrill of uncovering hidden knowledge, creating a sense of adventure that extends beyond the library's physical boundaries.

Public Agenda

  1. Education and Literacy: The library is committed to supporting education and literacy within the community. It organizes reading programs, literacy workshops, and tutoring sessions to enhance the academic skills of visitors, especially focusing on children and young adults.
  2. Cultural and Community Events: To enrich the cultural fabric of the community, the library hosts a variety of events, including book clubs, author readings, and cultural exhibitions. These events aim to bring people together, fostering a sense of community and shared intellectual experiences.
  3. Access to Information: The library emphasizes its role as a public resource for information. With a vast public section and access to historical archives, it ensures that visitors have the tools they need to explore and understand the world around them. The library actively works to bridge information gaps and provide diverse perspectives.
  4. Research and Exploration: The library encourages research and exploration by supporting scholars and researchers in their quests for knowledge. This extends beyond the library's physical walls through research missions to unexplored or old ruins, contributing to the broader understanding of the world's history and mysteries.
  5. Preservation of Cultural Heritage: As a repository of historical records and rare volumes, the library is dedicated to preserving the cultural heritage of the region. Specialized staff members work on conservation projects, digitization efforts, and collaborations with other institutions to ensure the longevity of valuable artifacts.


  1. Extensive Collection: The heart of the library's assets lies in its vast collection of books, manuscripts, scrolls, and documents. Ranging from ancient texts to contemporary works, the library's holdings cover a wide spectrum of subjects, making it a comprehensive resource for researchers and enthusiasts.
  2. Historical Archives: The library's historical archives contain invaluable records, maps, and documents detailing the world's pre-Sundering history. These archives are a unique and irreplaceable asset, attracting scholars and historians from far and wide who seek to unravel the mysteries of the past.
  3. Knowledgeable Staff: The library's greatest asset is its team of dedicated and knowledgeable staff. Librarians, researchers, archivists, and specialists in various fields contribute their expertise to support visitors, conduct research missions, and maintain the library's reputation as a center of academic excellence.
  4. Research Missions: The library's commitment to expanding knowledge extends beyond its walls. The organized research missions to unexplored or ancient ruins serve as a unique asset, allowing the library to uncover new information, artifacts, and insights that contribute to the broader understanding of the world.
  5. Cultural Artifacts: The library houses a curated collection of cultural artifacts, ranging from ancient relics to artistic creations. These artifacts serve both as educational tools and as a testament to the rich cultural heritage of the region, enhancing the library's role in preserving history.
  6. Community Support: The library's strong ties with the community are a valuable asset. Regular events, workshops, and cultural programs not only engage the public but also foster a sense of belonging. The community's support ensures the library's continued relevance and success.
  7. Technological Infrastructure: In addition to traditional resources, the library invests in modern technology to enhance accessibility. Crystal archives, searchable catalogs, and displays contribute to making information readily available to a diverse audience.

Eternal Wisdom

Founding Date
1785 BS
Educational, Library

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