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Ariana Shadowdancer

Scholar Ariana Shadowdancer (a.k.a. The Keeper's Seeker)

Background: Ariana Shadowdancer, born into a family of scholars, inherited a passion for learning that shaped her destiny. From a young age, her insatiable curiosity and sharp intellect set her on a path of unraveling ancient secrets and exploring the mysteries of the universe. Ariana's pursuits led her on expeditions to distant lands, where she documented her findings and pieced together fragments of forgotten histories. Despite facing challenges and dangers, Ariana remained dedicated to uncovering the truth and expanding her understanding of the world.   Meeting Lysandra: During one of her expeditions, Ariana stumbled upon a hidden temple dedicated to Lysandra, the Keeper of Knowledge and Secrets. Intrigued by the mystical aura surrounding the temple, Ariana entered its hallowed halls and encountered Lysandra herself. Drawn to Ariana's insatiable thirst for knowledge and her genuine intentions, Lysandra formed a connection with the mortal scholar.   Relationship with Lysandra: Ariana and Lysandra shared a profound and unique bond that transcended mortal and deity boundaries. Their connection revolved around a mutual love for wisdom and enlightenment. Lysandra, the goddess of Knowledge and Secrets, recognized Ariana's exceptional intellect and pure intentions. In turn, Ariana found solace and inspiration in the divine insights and secrets shared by Lysandra. The relationship between mortal scholar and goddess became a harmonious blend of mortal curiosity and divine wisdom. Ariana's unwavering devotion and reverence for Lysandra served as a source of inspiration, reminding the goddess of the beauty and wonder found in mortal existence.   After the Sundering: Following the sundering, Ariana mysteriously disappeared, slipping into the annals of history. No one knows the fate that befell her after the cataclysmic event. The absence of Ariana left a void, and her disappearance became a lingering mystery among scholars and those who revered her passion for knowledge. The stories of her expeditions and the wisdom she sought became legendary, and her name echoed in whispers among those who continued to explore the realms of lost knowledge.   Ariana's legacy persisted in the tales told by fellow scholars and historians, who carried on her spirit of discovery. The hidden temple dedicated to Lysandra stood as a testament to the enigmatic scholar who once entered its hallowed halls, forging a connection with a goddess that defied the bounds of mortality.   The fate of Ariana Shadowdancer remained one of the unresolved mysteries, a story lost in the currents of time, waiting to be unraveled by those who dared to seek the truths hidden in the shadows of history.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ariana maintained a moderately healthy physical condition, focusing more on intellectual pursuits than rigorous physical training.

Body Features

Slender and graceful, Ariana's physique reflected the agility required for her expeditions and scholarly endeavors.

Facial Features

Ariana's face bore the marks of wisdom, with a sharp jawline and expressive eyes that reflected her intellectual depth.

Identifying Characteristics

The scholarly attire she often wore and a pendant engraved with symbols of knowledge were identifying features.

Special abilities

While lacking in traditional combat skills, Ariana possessed the unique ability to decipher ancient languages and uncover hidden meanings in texts.

Apparel & Accessories

She favored practical yet elegant attire suitable for both scholarly pursuits and her expeditions. A pendant, a gift from Lysandra, was a constant accessory.

Specialized Equipment

Ariana carried a satchel containing parchment, quills, and ink for documenting her discoveries, along with a compass and maps for her expeditions.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ariana's personal history was one of scholarly pursuits, from early education in Lorendale to her expeditions in search of ancient knowledge.


aspec, demisexual and panromantic


Ariana's education was extensive, shaped by the scholarly environment of Swordbreak at the time and her own explorations into distant lands.


Her primary employment was as a dedicated scholar and historian, driven by the pursuit of unraveling mysteries and lost knowledge.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Ariana's achievements included documenting forgotten histories, piecing together ancient texts, and discovering hidden truths.

Failures & Embarrassments

While Ariana faced challenges in her expeditions, her commitment to learning often turned failures into opportunities for growth.

Mental Trauma

Ariana bore the weight of the unknown and the mysteries she sought, but her love for knowledge served as a source of resilience.

Intellectual Characteristics

Brilliant, analytical, and with an insatiable curiosity, Ariana possessed a sharp intellect that defined her scholarly pursuits.

Morality & Philosophy

Guided by a moral compass rooted in the pursuit of knowledge, Ariana believed in the importance of preserving and understanding the past.


Ariana regarded the suppression of knowledge and the deliberate distortion of historical truths as profound taboos.

Personality Characteristics


Ariana's primary motivation was the pursuit of knowledge and the unraveling of ancient mysteries, driven by a genuine love for understanding the world's secrets.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

A savant in deciphering ancient languages and uncovering historical truths, Ariana's ineptitude lay more in physical combat than intellectual pursuits.

Likes & Dislikes

Ariana liked the smell of old books, the thrill of discovery, and the quiet solitude of her study. She disliked deliberate ignorance and the destruction of historical artifacts.

Virtues & Personality perks

Her virtues included intellectual integrity, compassion, and an unwavering commitment to the preservation of knowledge.

Vices & Personality flaws

Ariana's relentless pursuit of knowledge sometimes led her to overlook personal well-being and the concerns of those around her.

Personality Quirks

She had a tendency to tap her fingers rhythmically when contemplating complex problems.


Ariana maintained good hygiene, though her appearance often bore the signs of long hours spent immersed in the pursuit of knowledge.


Contacts & Relations

She was well-connected in scholarly circles, and her association with Lysandra set her apart from traditional academics.

Family Ties

Ariana's family consisted of generations of scholars, her ancestors passing down a legacy of intellectual pursuit.

Religious Views

While not devoted to a specific deity, Ariana held a profound respect and love for Lysandra and the pursuit her knowledge.

Social Aptitude

Ariana was socially adept within academic and intellectual circles, though her focus on knowledge often overshadowed conventional social interactions.


Her mannerisms were characterized by grace, poise, and an attentive presence, reflecting her scholarly nature.

Hobbies & Pets

Ariana had a penchant for collecting rare manuscripts and enjoyed deciphering obscure texts. Her expeditions also doubled as a form of adventurous hobby.


Ariana spoke with a measured and articulate tone, her words reflecting the precision of her intellectual pursuits.

Wealth & Financial state

Ariana's wealth came from grants, sponsorships, and the occasional reward for her discoveries.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Scholar, Keeper's Seeker
Year of Birth
128 BS 333 Years old
Black, long wavy, often in braids
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pink toned
Quotes & Catchphrases
"In the pages of forgotten texts, we find the whispers of civilizations lost to time."

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