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Race Overview

  The Species that make up Regencia's populace include Humans, Elves, Half-Elves, Dwarves, Half-Dwarves/Dwelves, and Halflings. There is evidence to suggest in "the early days" of this part of the world, there were beings like *half-orcs*, *gnomes*, and much greater populations of *fey/fairies* than are found in Regencia today. Stranger creatures- more wild and horrific- have since died off, too weak to survive the onslought of refined culture.  


  • can be found in all levels of society, representing a full spectrum of colors, shapes, and sizes. They are the most common race, and tend to be the most ambitious.
  • Elves

  • the race with the greatest knowledge of "the early years" and smallest line of successors, seeing as they live SO long (though not forever) so pass down the baton less frequently. Elves are found almost exclusively in the upper crust of society- possessing old money and a strictness to tradition.
  • Half-Elves

  • a race just as prevalent in Regencia as any of the binary races, and have been around for nearly as long (if not in so great a number). Half-Elves typically embody Human curiosity, inventiveness, and ambition tempered by the refined senses, love of nature, and artistic tastes of the Elves.
  • Dwarves

  • Living much longer than the average human, they bridge the gap between elves and humans, and being shorter than both humans and elves, yet taller than halflings, they bridge that gap as well. Dwarves are not everyone's cup of tea, often pushing the standards or patterns of proper society; yet they are too skilled, cunning, and bold to be kept from playing just as large a role in everything as all the other races.
  • Half-Dwarves/Dwelves

  • They were not considered a distinct race in general consideration, though some do speak out, claiming this to be a racist perspective and unfair compared to Half-Elves. / The mental characteristics inherited by *Dwelves (born of a Dwarf and an Elf) varied between individuals, some with more Elvish characteristics and some with more Dwarven. This racial pairing has the fewest numbers to show in all the nation.
  • Halflings

  • Sometimes snubbed or jipped in subtely unfair ways (hard to prove, and improper to make a scene about), those who walk the world at a much shorter eyeline have had to work that much harder to climb the ladder, and oftentimes are less likely to achieve that which the other races do without appreciation or thought. Many Halflings have accepted this lot in life, and have created a protected culture away from the ever-storming crusade of power and influence- preferring a more grounded approach to life, expectations, and happiness in general.
  • Needs & Relations



  • They are the most populous race- appearing in all colors, shapes, sizes, and preferences. They survive as long as Halflings- about 80-90 years.
  • Attitude: Tend to be the most ambitious, controlling, and actively involved of the races. Need:  


  • Elves are elegant, youthful, fine-featured, and able to achieve beauty that other races cannot naturally compete with. They favor longer hair, low-meat diets, and practically worship fruits, beauty, and accomplisment. They cannot grow facial hair, and have long, pointed ears. They can live 300ish years.
  • Attitude: found almost exclusively in the upper crust of society- possessing old money and a strictness to tradition. They have the most prejudice for those who do not live in accordance with society's standards. Need:  


  • Although they can grow facial hair like Humans, they tend to have the eyes of their Elven parents, and their ears come to stubby points- marking their Elvish blood. To Humans, Half-Elves look like Elves, and to Elves, they look Human. Despite this, they blend into either society fairly easily, and are readily (usually) accepted without much issue. *
  • Attitude: Need:  


  • They are broad, sturdy, and shorter than Humans or Elves. The males typically sport very thick, healthy beards, with the females also being able to grow out and exhibit beards themelves (though less grand) if they wish (about 1/2 do so). They can live almost 200 years.
  • Attitude: Dwarves are not everyone's cup of tea, often pushing the standards or patterns of proper society; yet they are too skilled, cunning, and bold to be kept from playing just as large a role in everything as all the other races. Non-dwarven mates who enter into dwarven culture are typically honored and respected by dwarves for their bravery and loyalty. Need:  


  • Biologically, Half-Dwarves (born of a dwarf and human) are almost indistinguishable from dwarves, except that Half-Dwarves are slightly taller. / The physical characteristics inherited by Dwelves varied between individuals, meaning some have more Elvish characteristics and some have more Dwarvish.
  • Attitude: Half-Dwarves were not considered a distinct race by the rest of society in general consideration, though some (mostly Half-Dwarves) do speak out, claiming this to be a racist perspective and unfair in comparison to the widely accepted and validated existence of Half-Elves. / Dwelves (being few and far between) were seen more as anomolies and freak accidents. They seldom are able to fit in to either Elvish OR Dwarvish culture comfortably, and typically end up integrating themselves into Human or Halfling society. * Need:  


  • Halflings are ("Hobbits") half-sized folk that have hairy, large feet with thick, protective soles, curly, (sometimes unruly) hair, and a taste for comfort! Halflings have a more collectivist culture brain than Elves or Humans, sharing that innate racial loyalty with Dwarves.
  • Attitude: Many Halflings have accepted their (arguably unequal and unfair) lot in life, and have created a protected culture away from the ever-storming crusade of power and influence of the other races- preferring a more grounded approach to life, expectations, and happiness in general. Those who DO engage actively in the Game of Houses are found to possess huge amounts of cunning, ambition, drive, and resilience. Need:   **For a Half-Elf to marry and produce offspring with a Half-Dwarf, however, is considered an extreme societal and genetic fopaux!; Half-Elf/Dwelf unions prove not much better, though acceptable only in comparison to Half-Elf/Half-Dwarf unions.
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