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Cotta Firetongue

Guardmaster Cotta (a.k.a. Firetongue)

"Been busy 'round here lately. Not just because of pilgrims and nobles buying perfume, but because of all the trouble from the forest... and the swamp... and those stupid Rift Raiders. I don't mind. Always good to swing my sword. But it gets pricey, you know? Property damage adds up."
- Cotta chatting with a merc

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Doesn't talk much about her past, but her family is one of the clans living in Skullmire Marsh. She left home to make a name for herself, and became a sword for hire. She did enjoy life as a merc for a while, but at some point she ended up working as bodyguard detail for magistrates and legates visiting Casteel  It was there she met Elis Panros. The two ended up working together on a number of occasions, with Cotta only saying that she did him a good turn and he replied in kind. Ever since the two have worked together, and she followed Panros out toSpring Blossom when he was sent to handle the insurrection. After helping deal with the insurrectionists, Cotta was given the role of Guardmaster.


Guardmaster of the town of Spring Blossom directly reporting to Legate Elis Panros. The town guard is mostly made up of rotating milita made up of locals. But Cotta has hired mercenaries in the past - with mixed results.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Her foray against a pack of ghouls is still spoken of. She drew the ire of several of the creatures into a pit filled with oil, which the militia lit aflame. She was burned a bit, and has scars on her left foot. But she is proud of that little adventure.


Religious Views

Faithful to Osu.

Social Aptitude

Impulsive and talkative Cotta can be quite friendly and open, but also hot tempered. It often falls on the Legate Panros to temper her decision making. She can come across as a bit gruff when speaking to visitors. Dwarves seem to really like her, but elven nobles typically find her unpleasant.


Her tail taps the ground when she is annoyed. When her temper flairs her hand will stray to her shortsword.
Current Location
Sun bright yellow
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Forest green on top and pale green under
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Either you settle down, or you'll wake up in irons. I'm only gonna tell ya once."
Aligned Organization

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