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Spring Blossom

"Well worth the visit if you have the time. The surrounding countryside is beautiful, despite its closeness to the Everwood. Even if you doubt the healing properties of the spring water, you can't deny that the plants and flowers thrive on it. The town itself is quaint, but the temple to Dal is lovely and tranquil. The perfumes sold there are unlike anything else in the Empire. You can get them slightly cheaper in the town then in Theos itself, and they are worth every copper."
- Courtier to Duchess Dawntraveler


Like most places in the Empire, Spring Blossom has a wide variety of inhabitants. Ashtyr's folk are the most plentiful, but elves and first folk are seen.


Legate Elis Panros acts as the leader of the town, but serves at the behest of Duchess Fulvia Dawntraveler. A commerce council holds regular meetings to handle business affairs. Legate Panros will attend those on occasion.


The town is built against a rocky crag, which forms the bulk of its defense. It is nearly impossible to climb up the north side of the rock, and the town itself offers plenty of spots to launch projectiles down the south side. The Legate's tower and Temple of Dal were both designed by a dwarf in the Imperial style. This means they are well crafted sturdy structures. Able to withstand siege attacks if necessary. It is said that additional hidden defences were put in place in the rocks surrounding the town, known only to the legate and the Flatrock family.    The south portion of the town is protected by a mixture of hedges and wooden gates. There is a town militia, lead by Cotta Firetongue, that can be mobilized if the need arrises, but they typically are sent to help local farmers when something odd crawls out of Everwood.

Industry & Trade

Spring blossom has three areas of trade. The abundance of flowers has lead to a thriving perfume industry, as well as a supplementary glassworks guild in the town. Perfumes from Spring Blossom are highly prized within and outside the Empire. The peach and plum orchards are also famous, and the fruit, pastries and preserves are sought after as some of the best. Last, tourism because of the sacred spring and its supossed healing properties keeps folk coming to this town in the far north of the Duchy.


The Springblossom road stretches from the south of the town. A path leads from the north side of town to the old Northwatch Tower. Spring Blossom creek runs through the town, and several small but artful bridges cross over it. One of the glass blowers uses the creek for a waterwheel to help with the furnaces.


There are not really districts to the town, but it is built to accomidate the pilgrims, traveling merchants and vacationing folk. The town's inn, largest tavern and general store are at the base of the rocky crag, along with the market square. The only locals who live here are the family operating the shops.    Climbing the winding paths and stairs leads to the perfume makers, ceramics and glassblowing facility. Some visitors come here to see the waterwheel for the glassblowers, and find some of the more pricy items for sale, including the rarely open Zali Experience.   Another jaunt up the path takes you to the homes of the locals as well as the bathhouse, the tavern for the locals and its attached garden. A few more local potters and perfumers are found here. You can also find the Shrine to Tilla here.   The final path leads to the Legate's tower, the graveyard and tomb, with another winding path to the temple near the top of the crag, with it's lush garden and sturdy dwarven designed colonnade.

Guilds and Factions

There are no actual guilds in the town, but there is a bit of conflict between the local merchants and the clergy at the temple. The sacred spring is a pilgrimage spot, and that is something that local merchants have no problem exploiting. At times, the temple priests and druids take issue with the overzealous pricing that occurs, especially in cooler months, when there are fewer visitors. They find it especially crass when merchants start appealing to those visiting the tomb of Fundana Hirrus.


It is said that Fundana Hirrus, the famous scout during the Liberation of the North discovered the holy sacred spring. Seeing the abundance of flowers and fruit in the area, she believed that Dal granted to love to the spot, and called the spring Dal's Blessing. Fundana told Septima Majus about the spring, and declared that she would return to settle in the lovely spot. Unfortunately Hirrus was killed in the Battle of Ogrefall. Her body was laid to rest in a tomb on the rocky crag. Eventually the graveyard grew up around the tomb, as well as the Legate Tower built a few years later.   The town of Spring Blossom was founded officially by Tok "Two Sticks" a Sakasta druid of Dal, and Halfling Megra Farfoot. Eventually Legate Tharu Flatrock had the tower built, and started construction on the temple with the help of Tok. The legate focused on construction and defenses, but much of the towns industry and the inn were constructed by Megra. To this day a Farfoot runs the inn, and the Flatrock family has a presence in the glassworks and at the Legate's forge.   In recent history, Spring Blossom was the site of an insurrection attempt by the House Majus. Legate Ortho Majus was killed during a hunting accident (some say he was killed by the Amberwood Commune for unknown reasons). Typically the Duchess appoints a new legate to the area after discussing the matter with the other legates. House Majus was afraid of losing control of the wealthy and successful town, and so Ortho's sister, Scyla declared herself Legate and had a group of mercenaries hold the keep. Spring Blossom itself didn't throw up too much of a fuss, but the Temple of Dal said it would only recognize the officially appointee of the Duchess. Elis Panros, a magistrate from the Duchess arrived to discuss the situation. He didn't get very far before he was threatened with flogging by the new Legate. That night, a group of Commune rangers infiltrated the Legate's Keep and subdued or captured Scyla and her crew. Known Majus sympathisers were rounded up and and the whole lot was sent to Casteel as soon as the dispatched force of Duchy Knights arrived.    Elis took control of Spring Blossom temporarily on behalf of the Duchess. Most the folk of Spring Blossom were surprised how well Panros kept everything running during the whole mess. So when the Duchess declared Elis Panros the new legate, no one blinked an eye (except for House Majus).

Points of interest

  • Dal's Blessing (spring)
  • Temple of Dal
  • Chapel of Tillia
  • The Perfume House (shop)
  • The Zali Experience (shop)
  • Mekel's Glassworks (shop)
  • Silver Oak General Store (shop)
  • Plum Square (market)
  • The Square Peach (Public House)
  • Hestia's Hearth (Inn)
  • Druid's Rest (Tavern)
  • Two Sticks Bathhouse
  • Tomb of Fundana Hirrus
  • Legate's Keep


Spring blossom is a bit of a pilgrimage stop for those looking for the blessings of Dal and seeking out the rumored healing properties of the spring. Because of this the town does a solid trade with travelers and the faithful. The inn and the public house are busy for most of the year, regardless of the season.   The town is also known for fall harvest festival, because of the number of orchards it supports. Folk from around the Duchy of Tarna come to enjoy the fresh fruit, pies and preserves rolled out during that time. There is also a Equinox festival in spring that celebrates the blooming of the flowers and focuses around blessings of health and love.


Stone and wood structures are typically used in Spring Blossom, with wood being the most frequent building material. However a few structures like the Legate's Tower, the Temple of Dal and the inn and tavern sport stone construction. The two oldest structures are the tower and temple, and they have a distinct Imperial design. While the other stone structures look a less classical in influence.


Spring Blossom is built at the base of a crag of rock rising up among the fields and orchards surrounding it. The sacred spring issues from near the top of the crag, and is part of the temple complex. The water moves down into natural pools among the crag and the town itself. Eventually the spring water turns into the Springblossom creek that moves its way from the town and into the the open flower fields.


Much of this area stays fairly warm, with snow rarely falling. Rain comes frequently, but usually a heavy mist or drizzle, enough to keep the orchards and crops well watered. Storms do occur at the end of autumn, shortly after harvest time, and into winter. Typical days are sunny but cool, with a gentle fragrant breeze blowing through the air.

Natural Resources

The spring known as Dal's Blessing is a boon for the lands around Spring Blossom. The fields are full of fragrant flowers of nearly every color imaginable. Like most of the land in Tarna crops of any kind grow well, but most of the farming is to sustain the folk living in the town.   Plum and peach orchards abound in the area, and create some of the most delicious fruit in the Empire.
Alternative Name(s)
Springblossom, Dal's Blessing
Location under
Additional Rulers/Owners
Owning Organization

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