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While they can never be called the first, they are often called the best. Created by great Yeno to right the wrongs of the first folk, the elves descended from the stars and brought magic with them. They tamed the lands and people of Kaball. They created mighty empires. But eventually they too were corrupted by chaos. Time has passed them by, but none of the elves forget.

- from Vorich's Tome of Peoples and Civilizations

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Can be found throughout Kaball, but a few of the larger civilizations rose to the north. They are most populous in that region.

Average Intelligence

Elves tend to have higher then human intelligence due to their extended lifespans.

Civilization and Culture

Common Taboos

Because many elves were enslaved during the rise of the human kingdoms, elves abhor all forms of slavery. They will rather die then become enslaved.

Common Myths and Legends

All elves claim to be created by the great goddess Yeno, and were ordained to take control of Kaball and drive away the forces of chaos. According to legend, the elven empires lasted for thousands of years before they destroyed by the Invasion of Wyrms and the arrival of Ashtyr's Folk.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

In the northern reaches, most elves have aligned themselves with the Brass Horde. In the south, elves tend to keep to themselves in small pockets of civilization.
700 years
Average Height
Around 5 and a half feet tall.
Average Physique
Elves are usually slender and lithe.
Related Organizations
Related Myths

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