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Ritis Island

Aye, I've been to Ritis Island. Nothing much there. Mostly animals and trees. But the oddest animals you ever met. They watch you very carefully, those animals. We stopped to pick up some fresh water, there's a brook that runs to the sea. The whole time the birds followed us, seemed very interested in what we were doing. But they didn't come down from the trees, just sat there watching. The rabbits did the same, not to mention the deer. One of our crew took a shot at a deer but it scampered away. Then in the trees near where the deer vanished there was the most ungodly growl you ever did hear. Not sure what it was, some kind of big cat is my guess. We didn't stay to find out. Odd place that island, you can feel it in the air. I wouldn't go back unless you paid me a sight more than your offering now.
- Halfling privateer


Located in the eastern portion of the The Sea of Dread well north of Ejo but far enough from Mystemere to not be well known by the sailors of the area. It is a densely forested island with at least one fresh water source running to the sea. It is not very large, and because of it's remote location, few ships pass by.

Fauna & Flora

Many kinds of animals who make their home in a forest biome can be found on the island including deer, rabbits and even island cats. The largest predators are brown bears and rumors of a large black feline have been noted.   There are rumors of a rare flower that can be found on Ritis, but stories are vague and third hand. Usually the stories hint at the flower having impressive medicinal properties or magical abilities.

Natural Resources

Fresh water and timber are both found on Ritis, but neither the The Grand Duchy of Kadmos nor the Theosian Empire have attempted to claim the island. When asked most court officials feel it is too small and out of the way to consider valuable.


The name Ritis is a strange one. it seems like a corruption of the old Tyrian language. It could mean animal or maybe hidden but it is difficult to say. Some have also pointed out that the word is very close to the old elven world Riti which was sometimes used to mean moonlight.    There are no known settlements on the isle.
Location under

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