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Chronicler Sly (a.k.a. Easy Sleeper)

"There are many songs about what happened in the Skullmire Marsh, but few really capture the horror of the situation. Most are sad for what is lost. But I've been there, and seen the spot at the river where the great elven host was destroyed. You can feel the ghosts around you, and the fear in that place. I don't think it will ever leave. It is why I work hard on my poem. I hope it will one day be worthy of adding to our collection of lore."
- Sly talking to a fellow commune member

Physical Description

Physical quirks

Sly is most comfortable talking one on one or in small groups. He isn't fond of civilization and finds crowds quite alarming. When forced to interact with large amounts of people he is constantly shifting his stance, his tail twitches incessantly and when he gets really annoyed, his ears start twitching.

Apparel & Accessories

Dresses in the robes and leather armor of the Amberwood Commune. He doesn't try to hide his affiliation and is quite proud of it.

Specialized Equipment

He carries a staff of oak with what appears to be strands of amber weaving through it.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

Sly is considered one of the brightest of the chroniclers of the commune. His handwriting is impeccable and he has a gift for poetics. His ability to capture images with words has impressed his elven superiors, and they praise him regularly. Sly is also not afraid to enter dangerous places within the Everwood or Skullmire Marsh.

Failures & Embarrassments

Sly is fascinated with getting the facts of an event right from the source. Because of this, he often seeks outs ghosts and spirits to communicate with in an attempt to get at the truth. This has not turned out well for Sly, since many of the spirits are less than cooperative. He has gotten himself and his comrades in trouble on numerous occasions because of his desire to talk to a ghost.


Family Ties

Sly has a brother named Ops who is one of the Guardians of the commune. The two get along quite well, with Ops putting up with his younger brother's obsession with ghost and spirits.

Religious Views

Like many in the commune, Sly worships the great creator god Kor. But because he is a chronicler of the commune, he will also call on Irev to guide his pen as well as his memory.

Social Aptitude

When talking with his fellow commune comrades, Sly is kind and energetic. He loves tell stories about the past and his curiosity with ghosts and spirits.   But when dealing with more civilized folk, or those who hold different views from him, Sly becomes hard headed and aggressive. He has no problem calling people stupid, and will rely on rude comments or mockery to get his point across. He is not considered a diplomat - but sometimes that is what the commune needs. While Sly doesn't like doing these kinds of job, he will do them if asked.

Hobbies & Pets

A very colorful bird is often seen in Sly's company. He claims it holds the spirit of an elf named Pako, who died during the Liberation of the North.
Current Location
Pale sky blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Leopard with dark brown spots
5' 10"
Aligned Organization

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