Grimm-Beowolves in Remnant | World Anvil
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Beowolves are large, dark, werewolf-like Creatures of Grimm. Beowolves have been seen in many different forms over the years, but all incarnations share certain common traits. Consistently, Beowolves stand on their hind legs, albeit with a slouch, and are extremely muscular. Normally seen with bone-like mask with red markings characteristic of most Grimm, as well as the bone-like spikes protruding from their arms, back, and knees. Their hands and feet are also tipped with long, sharp, white claws. They can vary greatly in size, with the average specimen being about the size of a human, but with larger Beowolves appearing that can be more than twice as large. Other forms of them have been seen with a more angular head and more prominent ears, somewhat resembling the Alpha. Their glowing eyes also now leave a visible trail of red light as they move and are mostly yellow in color. Black smoke also seems to emanate from their bodies.
  Older Beowolves are known as Alpha Beowolves are covered in more bone-like armor and spines than the typical specimen. It has a more angular skull, larger teeth and sharp triangular ears. Mutant Beowolves have been spotted, similar to the Alpha, standing on their hind legs with massive green spikes on their back. They had white bone spots all over their body with a green tinge to them.
  Most likely due to the fact that they inhabit the cold tundras of Solitas, the black skin of the northern variant of the Beowolf appears to be somewhat frozen and has white patches. Additionally, they have more spikes along their backs and arms. This variant is referred to as an Ice Beowolf.
  They attack like a regular wolf would, with clawing and lunges, and no special skills or abilities demonstrated as of yet.Their behavior varies depending on age. Younger Beowolves do not act like normal wolves, lacking any sense of self-preservation. They relentlessly attack no matter how injured they are or how many of their pack members are slain. Older Beowolves gain a sense of self-preservation like normal wolves and eventually become more intelligent than them, observing their allies, retreating when needed and developing strategies for future encounters against Huntsmen and other threats.
  Alpha Beowolves are a much more dangerous, armored version of the Beowolf. Alphas are easily capable of destroying a pair of Atlesian Knight-200 androids, literally ripping them apart. Unlike the standard Beowolves which are easily dispatched in droves by trainee Huntsmen and Huntresses, these beast commonly need an entire team to focus on taking it out.

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