Grimm-Beringel in Remnant | World Anvil
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Like many Grimm, Beringels are covered in black skin, with bone-like plates covering their bodies at certain places like armor. A red pattern or symbol resembling an eye is present on their back. Some huntsman claim the ones they fought appear to have "burnt" skin, with an internal red glow visible from within, where the skin is thinnest. They have well-developed hands with opposable thumbs. They are quite large, at almost twice the height of a Human on all fours. Some variants have also been seen to be winged beast
  They are one of the stronger known types of Grimm as well as surprisingly durable and aggressive foes. It is very durable, able to take multiple slashing attacks without being appreciably incapacitated; and displays impressive strength, destroying structures with blows from its bare hands. It is also suprisingly agile for its size, able to quickly snatch object or creatures out of the air and throw them with ease. Beringels are surprisingly stealthy despite their sheer mass.

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